Volkova Bone Plasticity

Volkova Bone Plasticity: A revolutionary approach in traumatology and orthopedics

Volkov Bone grafting is a method developed by the Soviet traumatologist-orthopedist Vasily Vasilyevich Volkov, born in 1923. This method is one of the revolutionary advances in the treatment of bone injuries and defects.

Bone grafting is a procedure aimed at restoring damaged or missing bone through tissue grafting. It has found wide application in the treatment of various conditions, including fractures, bone defects, bone necrosis and other pathologies that require restoration of bone structure.

Volkova Bone Plasticity differs from other methods in its innovative approach and techniques. It is based on the use of the patient's own bone grafts, which eliminates the problem of rejection and reduces the risk of complications. Grafts can be taken from various parts of the body, such as the thigh, lower leg, wrist joint, etc.

The Volkova Bone Grafting procedure includes several stages. First, a thorough diagnosis and planning is carried out, the size and shape of the transplant is determined. Surgery is then performed to replace the damaged or missing bone with a graft. An important feature of the method is the preservation of blood supply to tissues, which contributes to successful bone regeneration.

The advantages of Volkova Bone Grafting are obvious. Firstly, it allows you to restore the functionality of the damaged bone, which leads to an improvement in the quality of life of patients. Secondly, using your own tissue minimizes the risk of complications and rejection. In addition, the method is highly effective and can be used for patients of different age groups.

Volkova Bone Plasticity has become a significant achievement in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, gaining recognition and distribution both in the Soviet Union and abroad. It had a significant impact on the development of methods for treating bone injuries and became the basis for subsequent research and development in this area.

In conclusion, Volkova Bone Plasticity is an innovative method of bone tissue restoration, developed by orthopedic traumatologist Vasily Vasilyevich Volkov. Its use has led to significant improvements in the results of treatment of bone lesions and defects. Thanks to this method, patients are given the opportunity to restore functionality and return to an active life. Volkova Bone Plasty continues to make important contributions to the field of traumatology and orthopedics, opening new horizons in the treatment of bone conditions and improving the quality of life of patients.

It is known that with age, the structure and function of bones undergo changes, this applies both to individual vertebrae and to entire limbs and bones of the skull. The adult body is able to compensate for negative changes in its bones, but if they progress or are seriously injured, a person may require surgery to maintain healthy bone tissue. One of the most popular operations in this area is bone grafting. This is what we will talk about. Every year, bone tissue loses its functions for many reasons, especially in old age. As a rule, this process is quite gradual and asymptomatic. In many cases, everything that happens