Coppen fibers

Coppen-Jones fibers were first discovered by scientists in 2003, but only recently did they get their name. They are histological structures that consist of long fibers running parallel to each other in the gastric mucosal layer. These are thin thread-like structures, about 5 microns in diameter and 30 to 150 microns in length. Their names come from the surnames of two scientists - Koppen and Jones.

Coppen Jones fibers are considered a “weak spot” in patients with peptic ulcers, as they are the main cause of their appearance. The proliferation of these fibers leads to irritation of the mucous membrane and the development of gastric or duodenal ulcers. These fibers can also cause obstruction, which can cause acute gastrointestinal bleeding. Although Coppen Jones fibers are important in the development of gastrointestinal diseases, the exact nature of their formation remains unclear. There are different hypotheses, including that these formations are formed under the influence of microorganisms and viruses.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during exacerbation often includes medications that reduce the volume of acid and improve the protective properties of the mucous membrane. Such drugs include proton pump inhibitors, which suppress acid secretion, and antacids, which reduce stomach acid. They can help reduce the risk of developing new ulcers and protect damaged areas of the mucous membrane, but are not able to fight directly the cause of the disease - Coppen-Jones fibers. And this is where sapphire fibers can play a major role, representing a new natural preparation that allows you to bind and suppress inflammation, protecting the stomach from harmful factors. It not only reduces the inflammatory response, but also reduces the rate of formation of new damaging fibrous fibers. As a result of its use, the resistance of the stomach walls to re-exposure to existing inflammation increases, factors that provoke the development of pathology, such as stress, unhealthy diet and others, are eliminated. The course is quite short - 4-6 weeks, after which the sensitivity of the mucous membrane decreases, thereby creating all the necessary conditions to prevent the development of its damage. This effect of the drug allows you to achieve a greater effect than traditional drugs,