Inflammation Aseptic

Aseptic inflammation is inflammation that occurs without the participation of microorganisms. This can be due to various reasons such as injury, allergic reaction, autoimmune diseases and others.

Symptoms of aseptic inflammation may include pain, swelling, fever, redness of the skin and other signs of inflammation. Treatment depends on the cause of the inflammation and may include medications, physical therapy, massage and other methods.

It is important to remember that aseptic inflammation can be dangerous to health if it is not treated in a timely manner. Therefore, if symptoms of inflammation appear, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

**Aseptic inflammation** is one of the types of inflammation that is caused by exposure to various substances without the participation of pathogens. This process can be caused by various factors - mechanical damage to tissue, thermal, chemical or radiation exposure. A characteristic feature of aseptic inflammation is that there is no development of infection and pathogenic microorganisms do not participate in the development of the process. This makes it possible to distinguish between aseptic and purulent forms of the inflammatory process and prescribe adequate treatment for each of them.