Lateral Neck Fistula

Fistula of the lateral zone of the cervix is ​​one of the most common and severe complications of pregnancy. Despite the fact that cases of lateral cervical fistula are most often detected during childbirth, it can be detected already in the early stages of pregnancy. This condition requires special attention and caution for a successful pregnancy outcome.

The main causes of fistulas in the lateral neck area. Fistulas of the lateral zone of the cervix are formed as a result of birth injuries, namely: Pulling the child through the narrow birth canal contributes to rupture of the cervix and its ruptures, which are then overgrown with scars. Infectious and inflammatory diseases such as infections of the uterus or appendages can cause cervical ruptures and injuries. Also, the cause of the formation of a fistula may be the use of obstetric aids, such as foot or vacuum change.

Symptoms of fistula. Symptoms of a fistula appear even before the onset of main labor. Prolonged severe contractions, the presence of ruptures and a weak child may indicate the presence of a fistula in the lateral area of ​​the cervix. It should also be noted that vaginal examination, which is usually performed regularly, may indicate a cervical rupture despite the absence of any obvious symptoms.

Treatment. If a lateral neck fistula is detected, surgical intervention may be required. The type of intervention depends on the severity and location of the fistula defect. In some cases, suturing the cervix is ​​sufficient to stop the fistula and preserve the pregnant woman's ability to have a normal child. But in more severe cases, resection of the cervix is ​​necessary.