A home computer is a source of information that emits computer radiation. Its value can range from 2 to 50 mGs. How harmful is such an effect on the human body?
The content of the articleWhere does the radiation come from?
Electronic devices emit different types of radiation - electromagnetic waves, electrostatic voltage and radiation. Modern gadgets are safer; they do not have a cathode ray tube that emits rays that resemble x-rays in their properties. Electrostatic voltage is created by all devices that use electricity; its main sources are power lines. Living in the city it is impossible to get rid of it; radiation from computers makes up a small amount of this exposure. Therefore, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on electromagnetic waves.
They are not felt and do not cause visible harm to health, but the World Health Organization has included them in the list of environmentally hazardous factors.
When operating from an electrical network, devices create pulse oscillations in the physical field surrounding the Earth. These fluctuations cause disturbances in the general electromagnetic field of the planet, having a negative impact on the state of the ecosystem. And harmful radiation from a computer at home can have a negative impact on health.
Let's look at what a computer emits and why it is harmful.
The human body also produces electrical impulses. With their help, signals from the brain and spinal cord are sent through nerve endings, and skeletal muscles and heart muscles contract. Thousands of signals per second are transmitted along nerve endings, so it is easy to understand what harm can occur from a computer; radiation affects the complex system of transmission of electrical impulses and can lead to disruption of their interaction. The impact is not felt immediately, it accumulates in the body, gradually worsening the functioning of organs and systems.
Important! Such exposure is especially dangerous for a growing and developing organism - children and pregnant women are at risk.
How dangerous is a home computer?
A home computer, laptop or smartphone is a source of harmful radiation. How much radiation you receive from a computer depends on various factors: type of device, time of use, location.
Monitors with cathode ray tubes are considered the most harmful. When using them, the question arose for the first time: does the computer emit radiation? Yes – the radiation from the monitor can be compared to X-ray radiation in terms of harmfulness. The device creates pulsating fields of energy around itself and high electrical voltage, which persists after the computer is turned off for 2 or more hours.
Liquid crystal monitors are safer; they generate radiation of about 50 Hz. This dose is not enough to cause specific harm to the body, but with constant exposure, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided.
Touch screens also cannot be considered safe; they are sources of radiation that a person keeps at a minimum distance from the body.
The system unit actively creates an electromagnetic field around itself. A minimum phonation level of 2 mG (milligauss) already has a negative effect on the body. It can be created by a device located at a distance of 50 to 100 cm from a person. The closer the processor is, the stronger the impact.
There are no safe devices around or for the computer. Headphones, uninterruptible power supplies, routers, printers, chargers emit electricity. The magnitude of the impact depends on the power of the device, type and proximity to the body. Bluetooth systems also turned out to be dangerous, due to their maximum proximity to the human body when used. Don’t forget about the one who is always nearby.
Children and computer