Air Atmospheric

Atmospheric air is a mixture of gases that forms the Earth's atmosphere. The main components of air are nitrogen, oxygen, inert gases and carbon dioxide.

By volume, air contains:

  1. Nitrogen - 78.09%
  2. Oxygen - 20.95%
  3. Inert gases - 0.93%
  4. Carbon dioxide - 0.03%

Nitrogen makes up the bulk of air, but by itself does not support respiration and combustion. Oxygen is necessary for the respiration of living organisms and the combustion process. Noble gases are mainly represented by argon, neon, helium and krypton. They are chemically inactive. Carbon dioxide plays an important role in photosynthesis in plants.

Thus, atmospheric air is a complex gas mixture, the composition of which is optimal for supporting life on Earth. It protects the planet from harmful cosmic radiation, ensures respiration and photosynthesis, as well as heat transfer in the atmosphere.

Air is a mixture of gases that forms the Earth's atmosphere. It consists of nitrogen, oxygen, noble gases and carbon dioxide. Air plays an important role in maintaining life on Earth, providing gases necessary for organisms to breathe.

According to the data, in volume percentage, atmospheric air consists predominantly of nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). Noble gases such as argon, neon, krypton and xenon make up about 0.93% of the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, although an important gas for plants, makes up only about 0.03% of the atmosphere.

Nitrogen is the main component of air and is essential for plant and animal life. It is also used industrially to produce nitric acid and other chemical compounds.

Oxygen, another important component of air, is necessary for the respiration of living organisms and the combustion of fuel. It is also used medicinally to treat certain diseases and to maintain respiratory function in critical situations.

Inert gases, although they do not participate in the life processes of organisms, play an important role in industry, for example, in the production of welding gases and in metal smelting processes.

Carbon dioxide is a product of fuel combustion and respiration of living organisms. Its concentration in the atmosphere is regulated by natural processes such as photosynthesis and artificial methods such as the burning of coal and oil.

In general, atmospheric air plays an important role in supporting life on Earth and is a key element of the natural ecosystem. With its help, plants produce oxygen necessary for the respiration of living organisms, and also regulate the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Air is also used in industry as a compressed gas and for other technological processes.