Laboratory Doctor

A laboratory technician is a medical specialist trained in clinical laboratory diagnostics.

Laboratory physicians work in medical laboratories and analyze patient fluids and tissues to make a diagnosis or monitor treatment.

They conduct various types of laboratory tests - biochemical, hematological, cytological, microbiological and others. Laboratory doctors prepare all the necessary equipment, reagents, consumables, accept biomaterial from patients, and monitor compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis.

After the analysis, the laboratory doctor interprets the results, assesses their reliability, makes a conclusion and sends the results to the attending physician. The responsibilities of a laboratory doctor also include consulting doctors on laboratory diagnostics, developing and implementing new research methods, and training junior medical staff.

To work as a laboratory doctor, you must obtain a higher medical education, undergo an internship and residency in the specialty “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics”. A laboratory doctor must be proficient in modern laboratory technologies, be able to work with complex equipment, and understand complex biochemical processes. The laboratory doctor is required to be attentive, scrupulous and responsible when conducting research and interpreting the results.

Laboratory doctors are medical specialists who carry out laboratory diagnostics in hospitals, clinics and other medical institutions. They perform a wide range of tests, including clinical tests, biochemical, hematological, immunological and other types of studies.

When conducting laboratory tests, the laboratory doctor carefully monitors the quality of the analysis. He analyzes the compliance of the methods and equipment used with the requirements of GOST and SanPiN. In addition, the laboratory doctor controls the quality of collection of biological material (blood, urine, feces, sputum, etc.). If the study reveals deviations from the norm, he informs the doctor about this so that measures can be taken to correct the patient’s condition. Labyrinth doctors must have a higher medical education, including in the field of laboratory diagnostics, and good training in the management of medical equipment. They must also have laboratory skills and the ability to work with biological material. In their work, laboratory doctors must be guided by clinical guidelines and protocols based on international standards. A particularly important aspect of good laboratory performance is ensuring the safety of patients and protecting their personal data. When conducting tests, you should use disposable instruments and strictly follow the rules of infection safety and information protection.