Viscosity of Thought

One of the most important tasks of modern society is the development of human intelligence and improving the quality of his thinking. Sticky thinking is a problem that negatively affects all areas of life. And, as a result, difficulties of various kinds arise, causing a disruption in a person’s communication with the outside world. This problem occurs for various reasons. Moreover, if you do not start working on solving this problem in time, then its impact can provoke the appearance of neuroses, psychosomatic disorders, as well as deviations in the human psyche.

Viscosity of thinking is considered one of the manifestations of inertia of consciousness - a psychological phenomenon that consists in the fact that a person reacts poorly to certain situations, actions, and circumstances. Subsequently, useless actions and unnecessary actions are formed, which entails a decrease in the effectiveness of behavior and the emergence of psycho-emotional tension.

Viscosity of thinking is usually understood as a slowly occurring thought process, which is associated with the serious influence of external conditions and internal factors. When this happens, it becomes difficult to concentrate on one specific topic or work that needs to be done, all because distractions cannot be ignored, hence switching to extraneous topics or activities. It seems as if thoughts are circling around the same problem, jumping from one to another and cannot find the right direction.

During the research process, it is customary to note the following characteristics of this phenomenon: * Poverty of ideas and lack of creativity in thinking. * Getting stuck and retaining only thoughts that come to you for a long time. * An abundance of details and details that arise in memory at any moment. * Difficulty concentrating and persevering, especially when performing tasks that require significant effort and effort.

Topic: "Viscosity of thinking: causes and consequences"


“Thinking viscosity” is a state in which a person experiences difficulty in the thought process. This may be manifested by poor ideas, stuck thoughts, slow association, and an inability to distinguish between important and unimportant points in a task. In this article we will look at the causes and consequences of mental rigidity, as well as methods for overcoming it.

**Reasons for Sticky Thinking** - The first reason is that people are prone to habits and thinking patterns. By repeating certain thoughts and ideas, they can get stuck in them, and this leads to difficulty in analyzing new information. - Another reason is lack of concentration and attention. If a person is unable to concentrate on a problem and devote enough time to it, this can lead to sticky thinking. - Finally, the reason for the viscosity of thinking may be memory problems or problems with motivation. The human brain is capable of regeneration, but sometimes its resources are limited, and then difficulties arise in processing information.

**Consequences of sticky thinking** **- Information overload:** If a person cannot process information effectively, it is difficult for him to distinguish important from unimportant and weed out unnecessary things, which causes the brain to become overloaded.

- **Uhud