
Iridocoloboma is a rare congenital pathology characterized by damage to the iris of the eye. This is a common condition that can affect both eyes at the same time. Most people suffering from iridocolumma are not diagnosed until between the ages of 9 and 25. Some people live with significantly larger colobomas their entire lives, but only 35% of people continue to be completely blind.

Despite the fact that this disease is congenital, it is often caused by trauma to the eyeball during childbirth. There is a theory of the origin of iridokols and from a disease suffered by the mother in the form of influenza. It is also worth noting that a severe infection developing in utero leads to morphological changes in the fetal eye, and these, in turn, can negatively affect the formation of the iris during or after birth.

Clinical manifestations of iridocoloma in the iris do not affect the functionality of the eye, but a large coloboma of the visual organs can affect visual acuity. First of all, vision for colors deteriorates. In this case, the patient can distinguish red shades better than blue and green. Visual acuity decreases, and color vision is much worse than contrast vision. Due to visual impairment, the eye's adaptation to darkness suffers.