
As a result of normal cellular metabolic processes and the continuous construction and destruction of proteins and nucleic acids, waste products such as urea, uric acid, creatinine and ammonia are formed. These nitrogen-containing waste products are not only useless, but also toxic. When kidney function is impaired due to disease, these substances quickly accumulate in the blood and tissues and cause death.

In a healthy person, their content in the blood is maintained at a constant, low level, since the kidneys remove them from the blood with the same speed with which these substances are formed in the tissues. Although removing waste products from body fluids is an important function of the kidneys, it is by no means their only function. The kidneys play a primary role in the functioning of the body, regulating the total volume of blood, the water content in the body, as well as the pH and chemical composition of the blood and tissue fluids.

The concepts of defecation, excretion and secretion are sometimes confused. Defecation is the removal of metabolic products and undigested food debris, collectively making up feces, through the anus. Undigested food never enters the cells of the body and therefore cannot take part in cellular metabolism; thus, they are not products of exchange.

Excretion (excretion) is the removal of substances that are not subject to further use in the body from cells and the bloodstream through urine and sweat. The excretion of waste products by the kidneys requires the cells to expend energy, while the act of defecation does not require any “effort” from the cells lining the intestine.

Secretion is the release by a cell of a substance that is used in another part of the body in some physiological process: for example, the salivary glands secrete saliva, which is used in the mouth and stomach for digestion. Secretion is also related to cellular activity and requires the expenditure of energy by the secreting cell.

The human excretory system includes not only the kidneys with their excretory ducts; the skin, lungs and digestive tract also have excretory functions. We have already looked at the removal of carbon dioxide by the lungs, the secretion of bile pigments by the liver, and the secretion of certain metals, such as calcium, by the colon. The sweat glands of the skin serve primarily to regulate body temperature, but they are also used to secrete 5-10% of all metabolic end products.

The meaning of the word "Highlight" has several meanings. For example, in medicine it is the process of excreting excrement from the body. This word is also used in technical and natural sciences to denote material formations formed as a result of the separation or dissolution of a part of the whole. In the case of allocating a plot of land or a construction site, you have the right to allocate only part of your plot for a fence, and the rest of the land is forced to be set aside or sold. The allocation can be purchased or produced in-house. This is done very easily, you just need to contact the supplier or master. When you become the owner of this material you will have the most unusual collection in the world! They will be a wonderful decorative item that you can use for your room. This is an excellent choice for those who want to impress their guests. Don't forget to go to the doctor and tell him about your new achievements.