Uterine prolapse

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which the vaginal walls prolapse out of the genital opening or through the cervix. Doctors call this condition hymenal uterine prolapse.

**Causes** There are a number of factors that can cause genital prolapse. Most patients with pathologies of the genital organs suffer from inflammatory diseases that occur with uncontrolled dysbacteriosis. Constipation, urolithiasis, adhesions, obesity, stress can also cause uterine prolapse: * Blood clotting disorders; * Chronic diseases, chronic infections of the genital organs, including sexually transmitted diseases; * Insufficient level of estrogen in the body; * Ptosis, congenital anomalies and genetic disorders of the structure of the uterus; * Inflammatory processes in the pelvic area; * Depletion of the walls of the uterus after childbirth; * Incorrect contraception, especially if it was done without a doctor's advice. In this case, you may not only encounter a deficiency of hemoglobin and platelets, but also develop some other infection. Endometriosis or the broader process of cyst formation can be caused by heavy exercise. For example, multiple births with uterine rupture, severe injuries, high physical activity for women who are intensely involved in sports. An initially inconspicuous mild pathology can quickly progress and turn into a serious source of pain and anxiety. We must remember the importance of timely consultation with a doctor and the fight against female illness. **Symptoms.** The first symptom of such a diagnosis is retroposition of the genital organs. It shows severe prolapse of the anterior part of the uterus. The organ is not as low as it should be, which makes the intimate area tender. During this period, the uterus descends as much as possible. This condition is accompanied by certain symptoms