Interchangeability Insulinov

Interchangeability of insulins

We live in uncertain times. Having adjusted your insulin therapy regimen, which includes only insulin drugs, tomorrow you may be faced with the fact that they are not available in any pharmacy in the city. Instead of long-acting ones, you will be offered insulin drugs with an average duration of action, which differ from the first ones in their characteristics. Today you will receive human insulin, and in a month - animal insulin. Whereas all insulins, even those that belong to the same group, are at least slightly different from each other.

In a word, we are not always able to choose what is best, and we have to be content with what we have. Nevertheless, believe me, there is no need to be very upset for this reason. The most important thing is that you always have simple and long-acting insulin. It doesn’t matter if the new drug offered to you is a little stronger than the one you used before.

You will notice this immediately and reduce the dose by a few units. If it's the other way around, you'll add. The action of all simple insulins, no matter what they are called, is approximately the same. The same applies to prolonged ones. But if your manipulations with insulin doses do not lead to normalization of blood sugar levels, immediately contact your doctor.