Wart (Wart, Verruca, Plur. Verrucae)

Wart (Wart, Verruca, Plural Verrucae) is a benign skin tumor that occurs as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus. Common warts are dense, keratinized papules with a diameter of 1-10 mm; Most often they form on the back of the hands. Most of them go away on their own, without any treatment, within two years. Plantar warts (or plantar verrucae) form on the soles of the feet and are milder than regular warts. Flat (juvenile) warts (plane warts) are flat formations, the color of which matches the color of the skin, so they can be difficult to see; They usually appear on the face and can be multiple. Genital warts often accompany the development of other infectious diseases of the genital organs; They usually appear in women who are at increased risk of developing cervical cancer. Lactic and salicylic acid can be used to treat warts, but the most effective is the use of cryotherapy, which involves cauterizing the warts with liquid nitrogen. Sometimes curettage and thermal cauterization are used to remove warts; Surgical removal of warts is not performed.

**Warts** are benign skin formations in the form of dense papules, formed as a result of infection with papillomatosis viruses. They can appear on various parts of the body: hands, soles, face, neck, genital area and even internal organs. Generally, warts are not painful, but they can cause discomfort in everyday life, especially when located near nails, fingers, and exposed parts.

**Common warts**, also known as classic or simple warts, have the characteristic appearance of round or oval keratinized growths ranging from 1 to 10 millimeters in diameter. They usually appear on the palms or on the inside of the hands and are located on them in groups or individually. If the wart is on the palmar side of the hand, it can sometimes cause

In medicine, a wart is a concept that includes all possible varieties of “ordinary” warts (also called vulgar), which are benign skin growths. The name itself comes from the Latin term verrucus - “corn”, since in fact they are all calluses