
Skew: Dismantling myths and reality

Intrafamily relationships have a huge impact on the formation of the personality and psychological well-being of children. One of the features of this relationship may be skewed, when in the family one of the parents plays a dominant role, while the other parent shows constant submission and humility before this dominant figure. In this article we will consider the concept of imbalance in family relationships and analyze its connection with the mental health of children.

Initially, it was suggested that imbalances in family relationships could be a factor contributing to the development of schizophrenia in children. However, subsequent studies did not confirm these assumptions and showed that the connection between skew and schizophrenia is insufficiently substantiated. Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder caused by multiple factors, including genetic, biological and environmental. The imbalance of intrafamily relationships, although it can affect the psychological development of the child, is not an independent cause of schizophrenia.

However, this does not mean that imbalances in family relationships do not have any impact on the child’s psyche. Children raised in highly skewed families may experience certain negative consequences. For example, a child who constantly observes inequality in the relationship between parents may experience anxiety, fear and a feeling of insecurity. He may become indecisive, dependent, and have trouble establishing healthy interpersonal connections.

In addition, imbalances in family relationships can affect the child’s ideas about equality, respect and fairness. If a child sees one parent suppressing the other, he may perceive this as normal and transfer similar scenarios to his future relationships. As a result, problems may arise in setting healthy boundaries, self-esteem, and expressing your needs and desires.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the imbalance of intrafamily relationships is a complex phenomenon that can have negative consequences for children. Parents and other adults working with children should be sensitive to family dynamics and strive to create a healthy and supportive family environment.

It is important to remember that every family is unique, and family relationships can be complex and varied. Some families may have a more balanced relationship, with both parents demonstrating mutual respect and support, while others may experience skewed interactions. It is important not to set too harsh standards or blame parents, but rather to seek understanding and help.

If you notice signs of imbalance in family relationships in your family or in the family of a loved one, it may be useful to seek support and advice from professional psychologists or family counselors. They can help you understand the complexities of family dynamics and offer strategies for creating healthier, more balanced relationships.

In conclusion, intra-family relationship skew represents an imbalance in the family where one parent plays a dominant role and the other is constantly submissive. Although the link between misalignment and the development of schizophrenia has not been confirmed, it may have a negative impact on children's mental well-being and their perceptions of healthy relationships. It is important to strive to create healthy and balanced family relationships, and if necessary, seek professional support.

Distortion is a violation of intra-family relations in which one of the spouses dominates, while the other demonstrates submissiveness. This phenomenon is characterized when family members choose one of the roles: master or subordinate. Relatively speaking, when the mistress takes control of the kitchen, and the husband does not even try to prepare food,

Distortion is a violation of the intra-family balance, in which an order is established in which one of their members has priority over others, and the rest of the family members are forced to obey and come to terms with this. This state of affairs can cause psycho-emotional problems and require serious attention from each family member.

Family relationships can cause various kinds of problems leading to a deterioration in the quality of life and well-being of the family. One of these problems may be a distortion in family communication - an imbalance in relationships between family members. This imbalance has consequences in the form of emotions and relationships. Of course, this is a family matter, and if it requires intervention from social support or professional assistance, then such measures can help and regulate family relationships. The solution to this problem is training, assistance in communication and building an internal balance in relation to communication with the family.