What herbs can cure infertility?

There comes a time in a woman's life when she wants to become a mother. But it also happens that the joy of motherhood is postponed indefinitely, and then you have to worry: running to doctors, doing everything possible and impossible just to achieve a positive result. The reasons why pregnancy does not occur can be very different, from pathologies of various organs and systems to unfavorable times for conception and stressful situations. First we run to the doctors and if they don’t help, we turn to healers. Thanks to their knowledge, they can easily treat infertility with medicinal herbs.

Folk remedies are considered an effective and gentle method of treatment compared to chemical-based drugs, but only if they are used carefully, in compliance with the dosage regimen and dosage regimen.

  1. An excellent stimulator of sexual function for both men and women, an assistant in the functioning of the ovaries is vitamin E. The richest source of vitamin E has always been considered the rose flower, from which you can make “rose water” and drink it. The next source of vitamin E is sea buckthorn: you can drink sea buckthorn juice, oil, or eat fresh berries. Pumpkin pulp is another storehouse of this vitamin. In addition, pumpkin contains many other vitamins and microelements, replenishing the deficiency of nutrients in the body. When pregnancy occurs, pumpkin prevents the risk of toxicosis and also increases milk production in nursing women.

  2. Knotweed herb is considered an excellent remedy for infertility. Knotweed has a healing effect on the uterus and ovaries, facilitating conception. It can be drunk as tea by brewing 1 teaspoon of dry herb with one liter of boiling water. A more concentrated infusion: 2 tablespoons of knotweed herb, 2 cups of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours, strain, cool and drink half a glass 4 times a day before meals.

  3. Fresh juice from wheat grains also helps cure female and male infertility. You should drink half a glass half an hour before meals, 2-3 times a day.

  4. Even ancient healers called sage a magical herb that cures infertility. You need to be very careful with sage, strictly follow the dosage - for brewing, 1 teaspoon per glass of water is enough, and take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 11 days, after the cessation of menstruation. Repeat for 3 months; if pregnancy does not occur, you need to take a break for 2 months. Sage contains special phytohormones, similar in composition to estrogens - female sex hormones. An infusion of sage seeds produces a so-called “suction effect” on the cervix in a woman, which facilitates the passage of sperm on the way to the egg.

  5. Difficulties with conception due to inflammation of the ovaries can be corrected with the help of an infusion of a mixture of coltsfoot herbs, chamomile, sweet clover, centaury herb and calendula flowers. Mix 50 g of each plant and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 3 hours and take a third of a glass 5-6 times a day. Drink the infusion for 1-2 months, but during treatment you need to abstain from sexual activity.

  6. One of the very effective remedies that has helped many current mothers is one-sided ortilia, popularly called the hog uterus. This remedy is successfully used for all ailments of the female reproductive system, including helping conception. To prepare the decoction you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and flowers of the uterus, pour 30 ml of water and cook for 5-10 minutes. Then you need to let the broth brew for 30 minutes and strain. You need to take it 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease; the course can last from a couple of weeks to 3-4 months.

  7. In addition to infusions of medicinal herbs, additional means were considered to attract good luck to the house with the help of willow branches. Healers advised women who wanted to get pregnant to place a ficus flower in their home and care for it like a child.