What should be in a home medicine cabinet?

A home first aid kit is an essential tool for providing first aid in the event of an unexpected illness or injury. It should be equipped with everything necessary to treat wounds, relieve pain and other medical problems. But what exactly items and medications should be included in a home first aid kit?

The first step in creating a home first aid kit is choosing a storage container. It's best to choose a small box or bag that can be easily stored in a convenient place and quickly found when needed. There should be dividers inside the first aid kit to separate medications and medical instruments.

Dressing materials are a necessary element for the treatment and protection of wounds. The first aid kit should include a sterile narrow and wide bandage for dressings, a non-sterile bandage for fixing bandages for fractures and dislocations, a rubber tourniquet to stop arterial bleeding and non-sterile cotton wool for lotions and compresses.

Wound preparations are an important part of a first aid kit that will help prevent infection and speed up healing. The first aid kit should contain a solution of brilliant green for the treatment and disinfection of wounds, iodine for the treatment of scratches and small wounds, a bactericidal plaster for small cuts and other minor injuries to the skin, a medical plaster for fixing bandages, ethyl alcohol for compresses and disinfection, hydrogen peroxide for a hemostatic and disinfectant effect, chamomile for anti-inflammatory effect.

To relieve pain and prevent complications, you should include oral medications in your first aid kit. Analgin is a pain reliever, aspirin is for reducing high fever and headaches, for prevention during cooling, validol and corvalol for dilating the blood vessels of the heart and pain in the heart, no-spa for relieving spastic pain, mezim and festal for overeating and heaviness in the stomach, activated carbon for food poisoning, heaviness in the stomach and allergies, naphthyzine to ease breathing with a runny nose.

In addition, the first aid kit must have medical devices, such as a thermometer for measuring temperature, a measuring cup for dosing liquid medications, scissors and tweezers for treating wounds, as well as syringes for injections.

In conclusion, a home first aid kit is an essential tool to provide first aid in the event of an unexpected illness or injury. Its contents should be carefully selected to suit the needs of the family. A first aid kit should contain a variety of dressings, wound treatments, oral medications and medical devices. It is important to remember that all medications must not be expired, and the container must be stored out of the reach of children. Putting together a complete home first aid kit may take time, but it should be a necessary task to ensure the health of the entire family.