What you need to know about erosion?

Cervical erosion (ectopia) is a common female problem. In this condition, the boundary between two types of epithelium on the cervix shifts.

  1. Erosion can be congenital in young girls and go away on its own.

  2. It also occurs after childbirth due to microtraumas.

  3. Complaints: copious discharge, inflammation due to infections.

  4. Diagnostics: examination, tests, colposcopy.

  5. Treatment: laser, cryotherapy, medications. Depends on age and presence of childbirth.

  6. Prevention: regular visits to the gynecologist, healthy lifestyle.

  7. If left untreated, malignant degeneration is possible.

Thus, erosion requires attention and timely treatment. Regular examinations will help to identify and avoid complications in time.