How to stay healthy during the holidays

New Year's Eve is fraught with not only magic, but also many dangers. Starting from such innocent things as the possibility of gaining a couple of kilograms of excess weight during the holidays and ending with the extremely unpleasant consequences of a Christmas tree fire.

It is clear that it is impossible to insure yourself against everything. But it’s still worth reminding yourself of responsibility before you forget about everything in the heat of the holidays.

Holiday menu and its consequences

No matter what anyone says, restraint is the only way to save the digestive system from failure. However, restraint does not mean abstinence. Just try to stick to your traditional preferences. Don't try to try everything on the table. Stick to your favorite foods. Or, if you really want to afford something like this, pay special attention to the process. Taste the exotic as it should. Find out what goes best with it and combine the dishes correctly. So that it doesn’t happen like in the case of eating cucumbers with milk or when mixing champagne with vodka.

By the way, about alcohol - in good company a person, without noticing it, drinks a little more than the norm, which would be quite enough for him. Knowing this habit, you can play it safe: before the feast, eat a piece of butter or a few peas of black pepper, at the rate of one pea per 10 kilograms of weight (butter coats the walls of the stomach and slows down the absorption of alcoholic beverages, and black pepper adsorbs excess alcohol). Also, find motivation that will allow you to subconsciously control the amount you drink. For example, if you are going to end the night in bed with your loved one, motivate yourself with the fact that alcohol causes excitement in women, but at the same time reduces sensitivity. Can you imagine how disappointing it will be when, despite having a passionate desire, you never experience the long-awaited orgasm?

Those who can easily cope with drinking, but have difficulty controlling themselves at the festive table and are always reaching for an extra piece, can turn to corsetry for help. This is both beautiful if you are planning the same stormy night, and inconvenient in terms of overeating. A bustier or corset will help you restrain your gourmet impulses, and also ensure the next morning without an offensive heaviness in your stomach.

Folk festivities and personal safety

The weather on New Year's Eve promises to be warm, just like winter. What is not a reason for joy? On the one hand, and on the other, it is in this weather that it is easiest to catch a cold. So, when you go to the yard at midnight to set off firecrackers, don’t succumb to euphoria - spend an extra five minutes getting dressed properly and wrapping a scarf around your throat. Remember also that ice may well await you in the yard, so the cheerful crowd moving towards the desired goal should wear non-slip shoes and, if possible, be attentive to each other.

If you decide to launch firecrackers directly from the balcony, get ready for the fact that this is an even crazier option. Even those that shoot lonely lights into the sky and are safe enough to hold at arm's length can cause a lot of trouble. Dasha works as a translator and considers herself a responsible person and not too prone to adventures. She disapproved of her co-workers’ stories about how they set off volcano fireworks right in the middle of the kitchen (the marks on the ceiling are still there), considering such behavior to be the height of carelessness. And, at the same time, last New Year she decided to entertain her three-year-old daughter in exactly this way - to launch several safe, silent lights directly from the balcony. But at the most crucial moment, the already lit stick fell to the floor. Fortunately, this story ended well - the family retreated into the room and safely waited until all the rockets fired. True, after this we had to arrange an unplanned cleaning of the balcony, and the child