An excellent option for active recreation is rifle shooting.

After another painstaking workout in the gym, a bodybuilder needs:

  1. Eating food to obtain the building materials he needs so much.
  2. Complete rest for a speedy recovery and the desired overcompensation.

Moreover, this rest does not have to be passive. Active recreation options have not been canceled yet! And we will now talk about one option for active pastime in this article...

I don’t know about you, but personally, I just love to do a little shooting in my free time. Once again holding a real weapon in your hands, even small-caliber or even pneumatic, is still a special pleasure.

Well, the excitement of shooting, especially when you are also competing with someone, is such an adrenaline rush! An incomparable feeling. In these moments, I truly relax both body and soul, and also get the psychological release that we all need so much, which, you see, is also not unimportant for a bodybuilder...

Bullet shooting from a rifle or pistol is one of the most popular and beloved sports; it develops such important qualities as hard work, attention, self-control, determination and independence.

All exercises with weapons must be performed strictly on command. You can load and shoot only with the command “Load!” and “Fire!” On the command “Hang up!” You must immediately stop shooting and unload your weapon.

You can begin practical training only after studying the material part and combat properties of the weapon.

To practice shooting from a rifle while lying down, you should place the weapon with the fore-end on a stop made in the form of a roller, filled with sawdust or sand. The shooter lies down at an angle to the axis of the barrel, spreading his legs shoulder-width apart. The butt plate of the butt is easily pressed against the right shoulder, with the upper end touching the collarbone. Firmly grasping the neck of the butt with his right hand, grasping the fore-end at the fulcrum with his left hand and placing his elbow slightly to the left of the axis of the barrel, the shooter takes a comfortable position for aiming.

  1. if it is aimed to the left of the center of the target, turn to the left;
  2. if the front sight is aimed at the top or bottom center of the target, the shooter moves closer to or away from the rifle accordingly.

Before aiming, take 2-3 deep breaths and exhales, hold your breath for 12-15 seconds, aim and gently pull the trigger.

When firing from a rifle in a standing position, the shooter faces the target, resting his elbows on the surface of a special stand. The weapon is placed with the fore-end on the palm of the left hand, and the right hand with force grasps the neck of the stock. The back of the butt rests on the right shoulder.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this at all. I hope you love bullet shooting as much as I do. Be happy and see you at the range!

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