X-ray cystourethrography

X-ray cystourethrography is a diagnostic method that allows you to determine the condition of the bladder and urethra (urethra) using radiography. This method is one of the most informative and accurate ways to diagnose diseases of the urinary system, such as urolithiasis, tumors and other pathological conditions.

X-ray cystourethrography is performed using a special device that generates X-rays. The patient is in a supine position, his legs are bent at the knees and spread apart. A special catheter is inserted into the patient’s urethra, which is connected to a device for X-ray cystourethrography.

During the procedure, the patient may experience some discomfort, but this quickly passes. After the procedure, the doctor makes a conclusion about the condition of the bladder and urethra.

The advantages of x-ray cystourethrography are that it allows you to obtain accurate information about the condition of the organs of the urinary system. In addition, this method is quite safe and does not require special preparation of the patient. However, like any other diagnostic method, X-ray cystourethrography has its disadvantages, such as high cost, the need to use special equipment and the possibility of obtaining false results if the procedure is performed incorrectly.

X-ray cytourethrography is a medical imaging method that is used to diagnose and evaluate the condition of the urethra, bladder, kidneys and other organs of the genitourinary system. This method is a combination of X-rays and a cystourethral, ​​an instrument used to examine the urinary tract.

X-ray tourethragic examinations help doctors determine the presence of stones in the bladder, measure urine volume, evaluate the condition of the ureters, and evaluate kidney function. In addition, research methods can be used to diagnose various diseases of the genitourinary system: