Xamama - amom

This is a plant that resembles wooden clusters intertwined with each other. It has small flowers, similar in color to sadaj, and the leaves, large and wide, are similar to the leaves of the dioecious plant, their color is like gold, and the wood is similar in color to yakhont and has a pleasant smell. One type of amom is green, thick, grows in damp places, and its smell is slightly reminiscent of rue.

Another type of amom is the Coptic one, which is not long and wide, and is not difficult to break. It is grape-shaped, and its smell reaches those passing along the road.

The best type of amom is the first one - golden, fresh, Armenian, bitter, aromatic; the second, having green wood, is bad; it has a faint odor and grows in damp places. And of the third type, the best is fresh, with a whitish and reddish tint, dense, smooth, even, not curled, tightly knit, burning and sharp. The crumbling amom is avoided, and so that it does not turn out to be fake, they choose the one whose branches grow from the same root.

Dioscorides says: “The best amom is white, reddish, filled with seeds, resembling bunches of grapes, with a heavy but not strong odor, one color and not variegated, and one that is not moldy and burns the tongue.”

Hot, dry in the second degree.

Actions and properties.
Amom dilutes juices, causes ripening and astringents, and its strength is similar to that of calamus. Amom is digested even better than calamus and promotes ripening more, but calamus is more drying.

Tumors and acne.
Amom promotes the maturation of hot tumors.

Tools with joints.
Amom decoction is drunk for gout. People also sit in it for this disease.

Organs of the head.
Amom causes heaviness in the head and headaches and puts you to sleep. Some say that if you apply amom to your forehead, it will stop headaches. This remedy belongs to the class of intoxicants and soporifics.

Organs of the eye.
For hot inflammation of the eyes, water them with amom decoction.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Amom helps against cold shusa.

Nutritional organs.
Amom opens blockages in the liver, and its decoction is drunk for liver diseases. It is better digested than calamus.

Eruption organs.
Amom drives urine and menstruation and helps with pain in the uterus, and also helps with ulcers in the uterus. It is part of the royal suppositories. People take its decoction for pain in the kidneys, and drink it for pain in the uterus.

In the form of a medicinal dressing with garden basil, amom helps against a scorpion sting.