
Xanthophyll is a yellow pigment present in the green leaves of plants. It belongs to the group of carotenoids and plays an important role in photosynthesis.

Xanthophyll absorbs blue and violet light, which chlorophyll reflects. In this way, xanthophyll complements chlorophyll, allowing plants to use sunlight more efficiently.

There are several varieties of xanthophylls, differing in molecular structure. One of the most common xanthophylls is lutein. It gives a yellow tint to the leaves. Lutein plays an important role in eye health by protecting the retina from damage. Therefore, lutein is often added to vitamin complexes and products.

Thus, xanthophylls, especially lutein, not only participate in the process of photosynthesis, but are also beneficial for human health. Their presence in plants allows them to effectively use sunlight and gives the leaves a bright yellow tint.

Xanthophyll (Xanthophylla) is a yellow pigment that is present in the green leaves of many plants, including chloroplasts. It plays an important role in photosynthesis as it helps plants absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy.

One example of a xanthophyll is lutein, which is a carotenoid found in large quantities in the yellow retinal pigment lutein. Lutein protects the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays and is also involved in vision.

Xanthophylls play an important role in protecting plants from the harmful effects of light. They absorb ultraviolet rays and prevent damage to plant tissue. In addition, xanthophylls may play a role in regulating plant growth and adaptation to environmental conditions.

The study of xanthophylls is of great importance for understanding the processes of photosynthesis and plant protection from harmful environmental factors. In addition, research in this area can help develop new methods of plant protection and increase their yield.

Xanthophyll, or carotenoid, is a term that refers to the yellow pigments in plants that can be found in leaves, flowers and stems. They play an important role in protecting the plant from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Xantholipids are a group of yellow-orange pigments found in many