Xenopsilla Cheopis

Xenopsylla cheopis (Syphidae) is a species of insect that is one of the most famous flea species in the world. They range in size from 2 to 3 mm and live on rats and other rodents. Fleas of this species have several unique features:

Firstly, they are very prolific. One female can lay up to 70 eggs at a time, which means up to 50 new fleas are released every day. This explains their widespread distribution and great danger to animals.

The second unique aspect of these fleas is their ability to live and reproduce in the lungs of pets such as cats and dogs. This makes them even more dangerous to pets and people, as they can easily get into our homes or onto our clothes.

The third aspect of these fleas is that they carry dangerous diseases such as leishmaniasis and bartonellosis. These diseases can be transmitted through the bite of a flea when it bites an infected animal.

Prevention and control. To prevent infestations from fleas and other parasites, it is important to maintain the health and hygiene of your pets. Wash them regularly and disinfect bedding and premises. You should also use flea repellents, such as special sprays,