Yactation of the Head

Yactation of the head

Yactation of the head is rapid rhythmic movements of the head (tilts, rotations), which are observed in young children with neuroses, often before falling asleep.

This condition is characterized by repetitive, monotonous movements of the head from side to side. Such movements usually occur before bed or while falling asleep. They can last from a few seconds to several minutes.

Yactation of the head is more common in children aged 6 months to 3 years. It can be a manifestation of autism spectrum disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and anxiety disorders. Sometimes it is just a habit of the child that has no pathological significance.

Treatment for head yactation depends on the cause. Sedatives may be prescribed to reduce agitation and anxiety before bed. Psychotherapy aimed at reducing anxiety and developing healthy bedtime habits is also important. With the right approach, this condition usually goes away as the child grows older.