
An emossary is a legal status issued by a government agency to an applicant. It may have a special symbol attached to it. Based on this status, some subjects can use certain privileges in the life of society. The article will discuss the main aspects of the powers inherent in this status and why its legitimacy is so important.

The basic concept on which national electoral systems are based is the principle of “one person, one vote”. Thus, all citizens are equal in their right to vote and any discrimination against them is prohibited (Articles 3, 5, 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948). However, from this right and principle arise two problems regarding electoral processes: how to determine who has the right to participate in elections, and who should provide input on this matter. The Basic Law of most national states (Republic - Law of July 4, 1991) gives the Council of State the function of directing and monitoring the registration of persons wishing to take part in the electoral process.