Ulcers in the eye

Ulcers in the eye arise mainly from acute burnt juices. There are seven types of such ulcers: four on the surface of the cornea, which Galen calls ulcers, and some before him, roughness.

The first type is an ulcer, similar to smoke, and it is located above the blackness of the eye, where it spreads and takes up a large place. It is called khafi, and often katam. Then there is another type, deeper and whiter, smaller in size, and it is called a cloud; it is also often called katam. The third type is a crown-shaped ulcer, it occurs on the crown of blackness. Often it captures part of the whiteness of the connective membrane and then the part that is above the pupil appears white, and the part on the connective membrane appears red. The fourth kind is called burning ulcer, also woolly; it is on the visible part of the pupil, as if there is a little fur on it. The rest look deep, one is called lubuyun, that is, a deep hole. It is a deep, narrow and clean ulcer. The second is called lulum, that is, dripping, it is less deep and wider. The third is called ankavma, that is, also a burning ulcer. It is a dirty ulcer with a scab; it is dangerous to clean it, because the moisture of the eye sometimes flows out due to the corrosion of the membrane and in this case the eye dies. Ulcers in the eye occur either due to inflammation of the eye, or due to the formation of pustules, or due to a bruise. Often the ulcer starts from the inside and breaks out. And it happens the other way around.

Signs. A sign of an ulcer on the eyeball is a white dot if the ulcer is on the pupil, and a red dot if it is on the connective membrane. In this case, there is severe pain and painful beating.

If the pus that remains in the bandage is white, then this indicates mild pain and strong painful throbbing. If the pus is yellow and darkish or liquid, then the pain is less; and if the pus is reddish, then the pain is even weaker.

Treatment. If the ulcer is in the right eye, the patient should sleep on the left side, and if it is in the left eye, then on the right side. First you need to soften the patient's regimen. If the ulcers begin to break out, his diet should be limited to animal legs and chickens, but so that his strength does not weaken, otherwise the ulcer does not heal and the excesses in the body multiply. The patient should not overfill himself with food, he should, as far as possible, refrain from screaming and sneezing; He should also not go to the bathhouse until the disease matures, and if he goes to the bathhouse, he should not stay in it for a long time. The main treatment consists of cleansing the head through evacuation, cupping and bloodletting from the lymphatic vein, as well as constant relaxation every four days with means such as decoctions and infusions that remove hot and liquid excesses. If there is inflammation of the eye, then it must first be treated by emptying, which is mentioned in its place, as well as by means that are combined with the property of relieving pain and healing ulcers, for example, ointment from starch, incense and white lead, as well as dripping into eye of woman's milk. If at the same time there is an outflow of bad juices from the eye, then something should be added to these remedies that has the property of preventing such outflow.

In general, the basic rule for choosing medications is to choose everything that dries without burning. If the fever is high, then use an emollient ointment made from bloodstone. Frankincense ointment also helps a lot. Useful ointments include Safniyun Vakvaibis ointment. If there is an outflow of bad juices from the eye, then damuris and mudurusus ointment are suitable. If there is an acute outflow of bad juices from the eye, then use saryamun ointment, and if it is not acute, then use an ointment containing myrrh and spikenard. If the ulcers are dirty, then they are cleansed with a honey drink or a decoction of fenugreek along with one of the mentioned ointments, or with flaxseed mucilage, or with human milk.

If the ulcer is very corroded, then you should definitely use tarahumatikun ointment. When the ulcer is cleared, they resort to means that dry without burning, such as incense ointment, incense itself, starch, white lead and burnt and washed lead and white ointment, and especially lead ointment, as well as washed shell ash with egg white or much washed shell ash once with an equal share of bloodstone. Description of Lubanis ointment - and it is strong: take kalimiyi - sixteen misqals, washed lead white - one uqiya, starch, opium, tragacanth - two misqals each - then pound everything and grind it in rainwater and knead it with egg white. Another composition of the same name, which is even stronger than the previous one: burnt washed potassium and washed lead white - eight mithqals each, myrrh - six mithqals, washed and burnt sulfurous antimony - one mithqal, starch, burnt washed lead and talc - four mithqals each, tragacanth - eight mithqals; rub everything in water, mix with egg whites.