Ulcers in the bladder

Sometimes they occur due to known reasons, which have already been listed in the paragraph on kidney ulcers. Most often, ulcers in the bladder are formed as a result of abrasions from a stone or abrasions from bile juices; They also occur after a tumor has opened or ulcerated acne. If someone's urine is always sharp, it causes wounds and ulcers. Ulcers in the bladder are much more severe than ulcers in the kidneys, because they are ulcers in an organ rich in nerves. Anyone whose bladder ruptures in most cases dies, just as with a cut that does not heal unless it is in the fleshy part of the bladder.

Signs. We have already talked in the article about kidney ulcers, what is the difference between both of these ulcers, and mentioned that ulcers in the bladder retain and block urine, that they cause pain in the pubis and in the groin, and that with such ulcers white films come out - large and thick if the ulcer is in the bladder itself, and small and thin if it is in the passages, and also taught other information that you should learn from these paragraphs. The signs of corroded ulcers are the same as those mentioned in the paragraphs about the kidneys.

A common sign of ulcers in the kidneys and bladder is urine with blood and pus, coming out little by little, not all at once; they then differ in their distinctive characteristics. Signs of opening, formation of cracks, ulceration and the like are the same for both ulcers.

Treatment. Patients should avoid spicy, salty, sour and very sweet foods, which turn into bile, and should consume fresh food that gives good chyme and adhesive properties. Physical exercise is harmful to them, since it reduces juices and inflames the organs, but if they do not act this way, then they are beneficial, because they strengthen the diseased organ. Let the physician try this little by little, looking at the basic rules taught in the paragraph on kidney ulcers, and transferring here most of these rules. Let him also look at what we have prescribed regarding drinking milk: if the conditions mentioned above are met, it helps against ulcers in the urethra, especially mare’s milk. Know that an auxiliary measure in the treatment of ulcers is to first cleanse the bladder with sweetened honey or sugar water, boiled with diuretics, which is drunk or administered by injection, and then use other means. If the pus excreted in the urine is abundant, then water passed through fig tree ash, oak ash or wormwood ash should be poured into the bladder in order to cleanse it completely and effectively. As for drinking medicines, this is, for example, afsius with rose oil or the milk of donkeys, goats, mares, which is drunk constantly, for several days, as long as you can digest it, most often up to three ukiyya, and the animals are pre-fed with astringent and cooling herbs. Also useful are cakes made from sleeping pills poppy and bladder cherries in the amount of one bowl with cold water.

Good ointments for rubbing include the following: take liquid may and - dirham, goose fat - from three to four dirhams and white wax - two astars and apply a bandage from this. A useful ointment, especially for corroding, is prepared from dates, raisins, galls, acacia, alum and tarasis; Hyssop and maya are often placed there. Sometimes before this ointment, and also in cases where there is no corrosion, wax with duck fat and rose oil is used. Drying medications are prescribed as drinks or injections; sometimes the same medications are used in enemas; when using them, the patient stands on all fours. If drinking remedies do not help, especially when the ulcers are located closer to the canal and there is corrosion, then they are treated with injections of healing agents diluted in human milk; these include cakes with burnt papyrus paper and andrus cakes with a certain amount of lead oxide, white lead, starch and washed nura.

A good recipe for ulcers in the bladder: take printed and Kimolos clay and well-burnt deer horn -   equal parts, bloodstone and alum - a third of each, opium - half a sixth, ointment from white lead - three parts, anzarut - one and a half parts, myrrh and incense - two-thirds of both. All this is bound with a certain amount of rose oil and wax and used in injections; sometimes one part of aristolochia is added there. An easier remedy is anzarut with starch and white lead, which is injected with milk; if you strengthen this with burnt lead and incense, it will be stronger.

Tested cakes: take hiyufastidas, printed clay, corals, amber, starch, cucumber seeds, marshmallow seeds, melon seed and some conductive substance: celery seeds or wild carrots, or mountain parsley, or cakes with bladder cherries.

Another medicine: take cucumber seeds, kissa seeds, melon seeds, peeled pumpkin seeds - five dirhams each, starch - four dirhams, licorice - eight dirhams, purslane seeds - three and a half dirhams, peeled sweet almonds and roasted hazelnuts - each four dirhams, pine nuts - three and a half dirhams, celery seeds, wild carrots, indau seeds and peeled Magaleb cherries - two and a half dirhams each, sorrel seeds and peeled almonds - ^each three dirhams of tragacanth, almond tree gum, seeds henbane and opium - three dirhams each, black chickpeas - ten dirhams, saffron - five dirhams. All this is tied with maybukhtaj and turned into flat cakes for two dirhams each and drunk with radish juice, celery juice or black chickpea decoction, especially after cleansing. You should drink less cold water, and if the pain intensifies, then inject ointment used for the eyes with breast milk into the bladder. Close to this are the sleeping pills poppy, opium and chicken fat - in enemas or in the form of suppositories or injections.