Ulcers of the testicle, penis and anus

Ulcers, when they arise in this place, are malignant and creeping, for these organs are so constructed that putrefaction rushes to them, since they are closed from the air, somewhat hot and humid, and are also located close to the places where the excess passes. Such ulcers are in some respects similar to ulcers in the viscera and mouth, and the most malignant of them are those that form in the muscles of the root of the penis and in the rectum, for they require strong drying, and their sensitivity is acute and significant. Sometimes you even have to cut off the penis itself when the ulcers on it rot and spread.

Treatment. Ulcers located on the head of the penis require more drying medications than ulcers on the foreskin and skin of the penis, because the head is drier by nature. Such ulcers are either new or old; some of them are malignant. For fresh ulcers there is nothing better than sabur; Similar in action to sabur are lead oxide, iklimiya washed in wine, and tutia; Pearls are also close to this. Burnt kaurs help remarkably well, as do alum and tutia ash in the form of powders or ointments with cold water. If the ulcers are too fresh for these medicines and have already festered, then you need something stronger, for example, burnt copper. The bark of a pine tree with small nuts is a proven remedy in this regard, and if you need to increase meat, then mix incense with it.

Description of a compound remedy for ulcers requiring much drying and healing. Take equal parts of tutia, sabur, anzarut, incense, bloodstone, burnt laurel bast, Yemenite kvassup, burnt vitriol, galls, pomegranate flowers and acaciya, verdigris - one and a half parts, sweet pomegranate petioles - one part. A patch is made from all this with rose oil.

Another copy. Iron oxide, lead oxide, dragon's blood, burnt papyrus paper, burnt alum with rose oil. From all this they prepare a medicinal bandage, or a plaster, or lozenges. If the ulcer is old, then incense and its powder and sabur are added to the medicine in equal parts. When there is corrosion, the following helps, among other things: take the ashes of human hair, asafoetida and mountain lentils and prepare powders and medicinal dressings from it. Another remedy, stronger than this. They take each of both arsenics - seven and quicklime in the form of stones - twenty parts and also acacia - twelve parts; All this is mixed with vinegar and the squeezed juice of fresh plantain, turned into flat cakes in the shade and consumed. This medicine is even stronger: both arsenics, acacia, verdigris, larkspur, dill ash, pepper. Flatbreads are made from all this. If the ulcer has become malignant and blackened, then it is best to cut out and remove the rotting area and use meat-building patches on it until it heals.