Tiger language

"Tiger Tongue": description

The Tiger language is an uncommon language that is only used in certain social environments. It is a language of secrecy and secrecy, so it is not official. However, it is a common type of language. It can be heard in different places where people communicate in a small circle.

The language itself has its own characteristic features. Firstly, it is a dry, coated tongue. This means that it is covered with white transverse stripes. These stripes give the tongue the appearance of a dry tile. Such

As the popular saying goes, “The tiger has a dry tongue, but it cuts with it.” This definition fully describes the essence of the “Tiger” language, which is very important for first aid specialists.

Tiger tongue is one of the most dangerous infections. The causative agent is a bacterium of the Baudouin bovis type. The patient complains of sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea and high fever. If this disease is not treated, the likelihood of developing complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral edema, or even death is quite high.

However, recently, thanks to the modernization of the healthcare system and the development of antibiotic therapy, this virus has been able to reduce the risk of its diseases. Therefore, at present, Tiger disease is quite rare, and most patients live full lives.

However, many experts still reserve the possibility of the presence of the “Tiger” disease in all countries in terms of its total eradication. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that there are many nationalities in which this infection persists to this day.