
This disease is inherent mainly in cattle - large and small, such as cows, sheep, goats, etc., but due to its contagiousness it can be transmitted to humans through milk from sick animals.

On the eighth to tenth day after infection, dry mouth appears, the temperature rises and lasts for 5 days, then subsides, and then bubbles the size of lentils appear in the mouth on the tongue, gums, palate and even on the lips.

Painful to swallow, drooling, dizziness, diarrhea. You need to rinse your mouth with hot water more often so as not to burn yourself. For those who find this difficult, let them rinse their mouths with a solution of borax or boric acid, and lubricate mouth ulcers with a 2% solution of silver (lapis).

You should take a teaspoon of lime water internally several times a day.

Sometimes milkers get foot and mouth disease if they do not wash their hands properly after milking sick cows, and even if they have scratches on their hands. They then develop sores and blisters between the fingers and sometimes the toes, as well as on the chest. After 3-4 days, these blisters burst and dry out.

They need to be washed and greased, after drying them, of course. Take lime water internally.

You can buy ready-made lime water at the pharmacy, but it’s better to make it yourself when you have the opportunity to get real quicklime: take a large handful (three pounds) of lime into a bucket of water, pour boiling water over it a little so that it boils, and when it boils, add cold water to the bucket’s measure water, stir well and leave to stand quietly for a day.

Then carefully remove the top foam and whitish coating, and strain clean water through a muslin and drink. It is better to store in a sealed form. Do not filter water with sediment, take only clean water.

Foot and mouth disease is a highly contagious viral disease caused by a virus of the Picornaviridae family. This disease affects wild and domestic animals, as well as people who have contact with infected animals. Foot and mouth disease, also known as horsepox, is an acute contagious viral disease that can very rarely affect humans. How does foot and mouth disease manifest?

Foot and mouth disease The causative agent of the disease is a virus from the phytovirus family. It measures 22-27 nm in length and is single-stranded in shape. Foot and mouth disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. Therefore, infection is possible even over long distances. The main carriers of bacteria can be pigs, goats, sheep, and squirrels. They are the definitive hosts of the virus.