Squeeze (Squeeze)

Squeezing (squeezing)

Squeezing is one of the main massage techniques, which is performed more energetically and with greater speed of movement than stroking. It affects not only the skin, but also the subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue and upper muscle layers. Squeezing helps improve blood supply to body tissues, enhances lymph outflow and helps get rid of swelling and congestion, improves tissue nutrition, increases the temperature in the massaged area and has an analgesic effect. Due to its effect on the body, squeezing is widely used in therapeutic, hygienic and sports massage.

Squeezing is usually done before kneading. Movements during squeezing should be directed along the blood and lymphatic vessels. When performing squeezing to reduce swelling, movements should begin from an area located above the swelling and closer to the lymph node. For example, squeezing for swelling in the foot area should begin with the thigh, and then the lower leg, only after that can you move on to foot massage.

Squeezing should be done slowly and rhythmically; failure to comply with these requirements can lead to pain in the person being massaged, as well as damage to the lymphatic vessels. Squeezing on the surface of the muscles should occur along the muscle fibers. The force of pressure should depend on which part of the body surface is being massaged. If the massage is performed on a painful or sensitive area, as well as on the location of bony protrusions, the pressure should be reduced. In areas where large muscles, large vessels are located, as well as in areas with a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, the pressure must be increased.

Squeezing techniques and techniques

The main squeezing techniques include transverse squeezing, squeezing with the edge of the palm, squeezing with the base of the palm, and squeezing with both hands with weights.

Transverse squeeze

To perform this technique, place your palm across the muscle fibers, press your thumb against your index finger, and press the remaining fingers together and bend them at the joints. Movements must be made with the base of the thumb and the entire thumb, moving the hand forward.

Squeezing with the edge of the palm

To perform this technique, you need to position your palm so that its edge lies on the surface of the massaged area, and the thumb is pressed against the other fingers. The massage is carried out using back and forth movements or circular movements.

Squeezing with the heel of the palm

To perform this technique, you need to place your palm on the surface of the massaged area so that the base of the palm is directed towards the palm. The massage is carried out using back and forth movements or circular movements.

Two-handed push-up with weights

To perform this technique, you need to place two palms on the massaged area so that they are directed towards each other, and the thumbs point in different directions. Then you need to press your palms to your body and begin moving back and forth or in circular movements, using weights in the form of dumbbells or other suitable objects.

It is important to remember that before starting a massage, you must consult with your doctor and make sure that the massage is not contraindicated. It is also necessary to maintain good hygiene and use only clean hands and special massage oils or creams.