Occupational disease

An occupational disease, also known as Z., is a medical condition caused by exposure of a worker to harmful working conditions, according to GOST 12.0.002-74. This is an important aspect of worker safety and health, since uncontrolled exposures to the body can have serious consequences.

Hazardous working conditions can include a variety of factors such as chemicals, toxic fumes, dust, noise, vibration, radiation, extreme temperatures and other physical and biological agents. Workers who are exposed to constant or repeated exposure to such factors become vulnerable to developing occupational disease.

Occupational disease can have a wide range of manifestations and vary depending on the nature of the exposure and the individual characteristics of the worker. It can include breathing problems, skin conditions, vision and hearing problems, neurological disorders, tumors and various other conditions.

One of the main goals of preventing occupational diseases is to minimize or eliminate harmful factors in the workplace. This may include regular assessments of working conditions, the use of collective and individual protection, training of workers in occupational safety and health, and the development and implementation of appropriate procedures and policies in the organization.

Employers must also be aware of their responsibility for the health and safety of their employees. This includes providing the necessary protective equipment, monitoring compliance with occupational safety regulations and standards, and providing medical examinations and consultations for workers at risk of developing an occupational disease.

In conclusion, Occupational disease is a serious problem faced by workers exposed to hazardous working conditions. It can have long-term effects on health and ability to work. Preventing this disease requires a concerted effort on the part of workers, employers, government agencies and other stakeholders to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for everyone.

An occupational disease is a disease caused by harmful effects on the human body during professional activities. This is a problem related not only to health conditions, but also to violations of workers’ rights.

**Disease** is a dangerous painful reaction as a result of the adverse effects of various physical and chemical factors (both environmental factors and work activity itself) on the worker’s body. Diseases can be acute, chronic and occupational.

In terms of the volume of damage, all **disease manifestations** can be common