Stomach diseases

The stomach suffers from illnesses from the disorder of all sixteen natures, simple or with matter. The matter may be black gall or yellow gall in all its varieties, mucous, glassy or liquid, flowing or boiling, and mucous sour or salty; Disorder of nature also happens with black gall matter, sour or tart. There are also tumors in the stomach, there are also ulcers, disintegration of the whole and similar diseases, depending on internal or external causes, such as a push or blow. Sometimes the stomach suffers a rupture, and it does not kill immediately, but when the disintegration of the whole reaches the rupture of the body of the stomach, then the patient can be said to be dead. Hippocrates says: “He who has a ruptured stomach will die.”

Sometimes in the stomach the fibers of its tissue relax, and sometimes they become very dense; The stomach has diseases of structure in relation to size, when it is very large or small, as well as diseases of shape, when it is very round, and diseases related to smoothness or roughness, when, for example, it is very smooth and slippery. Damage to the position is expressed, for example, in the fact that the stomach protrudes strongly forward. There are also blockages in the fibers of the stomach or blockages in the passages from the stomach to the liver and to the spleen. If the passages to the liver are blocked, it causes diarrhea, and if the passages to the spleen are blocked, the appetite decreases. It sometimes happens that winds accumulate in the stomach, and it swells from food or because the stomach is weak in itself; We will devote a separate paragraph to this.

An upset stomach sometimes occurs due to external causes: from heat, cold or other influences, and sometimes it occurs from internal causes. Some diseases of the stomach are excited by intense heat, either because the heat facilitates the seepage of bad juices into the stomach, or because, by heating the stomach, it promotes a change in the matter in the stomach; This is bad help, not natural, which transfers matter into an unnatural state.

When a disorder of nature occurs in the presence of matter, then the matter must necessarily either be absorbed and immersed in the body of the stomach, or adhere to the surface of its body, or pour out into its cavity. The juice in the stomach sometimes originates there, and sometimes flows into the stomach from another organ. Thus, hot and cold catarrhs ​​pour out from the brain, and the nature of the stomach becomes heated or cooled, taking on the nature of the juice that descends into the stomach. Bad, bile juices from the gallbladder sometimes also flow into it; this happens in some people whose bodies have created many ducts from the gallbladder into the stomach, instead of going into the intestines, as happens in most people. Then what should be poured out from the intestines is poured into the stomach, and if this continues for a long time, then salty and spicy juices cause ulcers in the stomach, and cold and fresh juices make it smooth and slippery. Sometimes the effect of these juices extends to the first intestine and the adjacent viscera. As for the disturbance of appetite and digestion of food due to such juices, this happens first of all. The fact is that in some people such redundant ducts are created, unlike the usual, and this does not correspond to what we give in the anatomy of the gallbladder, and the structure of the vessels going from the gallbladder to the stomach in most people. Sometimes juices flow into the stomach from the liver and gall bladder in people who have a large duct created, the gall bladder into the stomach, so that what should be poured into the intestines ends up there. And sometimes black bile from the spleen pours into the stomach, as you will find out. But most often, yellow bile from the liver pours into the stomach, and this is often facilitated by reasons hidden in the stomach, for example, severe pain, severe grief, late eating or weakness of the expelling power of the stomach. The cause is also anger, grief or emotional experiences that set matter in motion and cause it to pour out into the stomach; this causes a burning sensation in the stomach, which is only stopped by vomiting.

Due to such driving causes, mainly hunger, purulent juices sometimes pour into the stomach, especially if there are ulcers in the adjacent areas; at the same time, black bile is also poured out of the stomach. The reason for the outpouring of black bile into the stomach is its abundance and weakness of the stomach, and the reasons for the abundance of black bile are honest to you. The reason for the outpouring of blood into the stomach is its abundance and the fact that it is agitated in some noble organ, more noble than the stomach, and adjacent to the stomach on one side or the other, for example, the liver, or located higher, such as brain. This happens when blood flows from the brain into the throat and esophagus and passes into the stomach. The weakness of the expelling power of the stomach contributes to its perception of everything that is poured into it. One of the effective reasons for the outpouring of blood into the stomach and other organs is the retention of menstrual flow, blood from kidney cones or diarrhea, as well as neglect of physical exercises that promote emptying, or the removal of any member. In the latter case, the matter prepared by nature for that member disappears, and it must be removed; sometimes it is excreted through the stomach, and the patient vomits blood.

Then know that weakness of the stomach is the effective cause of the effusion into the stomach of what flows there from the juices that are found in the stomach or hidden in it; most often it is mucus, and the reason for this is that chyle is close in nature to mucus. If it is not completely digested, it does not turn into blood, yellow bile or black bile, but turns into mucus. In addition, in most cases, yellow bile does not pour into the stomach, which would wash it, as it washes the intestines. As for yellow bile, in some people it originates in the stomach, but in most cases it flows there from the liver. Yellow bile originates in a hot stomach if there is a nutrient there that can quickly turn into smoky steam. It sometimes happens that the tissue of the stomach, either due to its structure, or due to diseases, pain and poor diet, becomes flabby and sparse, and its skin is thin. This leads to a weakening of all the actions of the stomach, and its treatment requires persistent efforts.

The causes of stomach diseases are all the mentioned causes of diseases, external and internal. Food is of particular importance if it is bad and causes indigestion, even when the stomach is in the healthiest state, this is stated in its place, or if there is very little of it, and this causes a healthy stomach to become thin and wrinkled. It is also not good to use medications frequently: the stomach then gets used to using the help of drugs in its actions and becomes very tired from vomiting and laxity. Vomiting is especially tiring: it requires sudden, unnatural movements and sometimes makes the tissue of the stomach fibers sparse and flabby. A very sensitive stomach experiences pain and suffering from any insignificant cause and from any excessively debilitating disorder of nature, for it gives rise to insufficiency of all the actions of the stomach; Even heat itself sometimes causes the stomach to become slippery, since it causes weakness of the holding force, and heat in the presence of yellow bile matter is the cause of this very often.

The damage that gives rise to the actions of the stomach affects, for example, the force that causes appetite and the force that attracts, so that the stomach does not feel appetite at all or its appetite is small, or, on the contrary, very large, or is perverted in relation to food or water. Either the holding power is damaged and the holding is too strong or weak, or the holding power is lost and the food floats to the top. When the digestive power is damaged, digestion stops or weakens or spoils and the digested substance becomes smoky or sour. As for the expelling force, when it is damaged, its effect on food either increases and it pushes it along the natural path or upward, or the expulsion weakens or stops altogether.

Anything that remains in the stomach for a long time and lingers there causes the formation of vapors, which cause pain and set the juices in motion; nothing produces as much vapor as fruit. Because of these fumes, bursting, burning and other pains appear. The weakening of all or part of the mentioned forces sometimes entails the floating of food, the slowing down or acceleration of its descent, as well as the weakening, cessation or upset of digestion, loss of appetite, “dog appetite” and perverted appetite; all this is accompanied by rumbling, belching, bloating, heartburn and other phenomena. Sometimes the disorders caused by this lead to the complicity of other organs in the disease of the stomach, especially the brain, which has many nerves in common with the stomach. It causes epilepsy, convulsions, melancholy or damages vision; Often it seems to the eyes that they see midges, mosquitoes, cobwebs, smoke or fog in front of them. Often the heart is involved in a disease of the stomach, and this causes fainting either from severe pain, especially with large tumors of the stomach, or from exposure to excessive heat or cold, or from the quality of the food becoming poisonous. If the matter is too weak to cause fainting, it causes nausea, restlessness, yawning, or goose bumps. Such people are similar to those of whom Hippocrates says that drinking wine half diluted with water cures them; this is because wine cleanses, washes and strengthens.

The stomach is sometimes predisposed, due to its great sensitivity, to respond to minor influences, and this leads to epilepsy and convulsions. A person with such a stomach is harmed by the slightest attack of anger, fasting, grief and any reason that sets the juices in motion. If acrid bile juice pours into the mouth of his stomach, he suffers due to his great sensitivity and falls into an attack of epilepsy or convulsions, or becomes unconscious due to the complicity of the brain in diseases of the mouth of the stomach. The same thing happens to such a person as happens to someone who has a weak stomach: if he overeats or goes overboard in drinking wine or copulating, he will fall into a fit of convulsions or epilepsy; many such people are saved by vomiting something similar in color to leek or verdigris. Often a large overcrowding puts them into a long hibernation,  and they sleep until they wake up vomiting. And sometimes this is the cause of abdominal melancholy, bad thoughts and dreams.

Know that stomach diseases, if they persist, lead to relaxation of the fibers of its tissue, and they are difficult to heal and restore health. Among the malignant disorders of the structure of the patient's organs is such a disorder when the head is cold and predisposed to the occurrence of catarrhs, and the stomach is hot and does not tolerate medicines that clear these catarrhs, such as, for example, falafili, mint medicine and cumin medicine.