Transferable stock of medical supplies

The carry-over stock of medical equipment is the established level of stocks of medical equipment in peacetime warehouses, necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of medical institutions and the timely provision of medical care to the population in the event of emergencies. The stock of medical supplies includes medicines, medical equipment, medical instruments, consumables and other necessary resources for the operation of medical institutions.

The supply of medical equipment is determined based on the needs of medical institutions, as well as taking into account possible risks of emergencies such as epidemics, fires, floods and others. It is established based on an analysis of statistical data on the needs of medical institutions for medical equipment, as well as on the basis of data on possible risks of emergency situations and their consequences.

It is important that the supply of medical supplies is sufficient to ensure uninterrupted supply of medical supplies to health care facilities in the event of an emergency. This will preserve people’s health and lives, as well as ensure timely provision of medical care.

In addition, the stock of medical equipment must be regularly updated and replenished in accordance with the needs of medical institutions. This is necessary in order to ensure continuity of medical supplies and prevent possible interruptions in the work of medical institutions.

The stock of medical equipment (PHI) is a carry-over stock - an established level in peacetime warehouses to ensure uninterrupted medical supply. When designing NMU in all functional units and systems, it is necessary to take into account the potential need for long-term operation of some systems, at least for 5 years or more.