Constipation Hyperkinetic

Hyperkinetic constipation is a rare disease that disrupts the normal functioning of the intestines and makes defecation difficult. It is manifested by a prolonged absence of bowel movements, abdominal pain, anxiety and the inability to empty the bowels. Constipation is one of the most common digestive diseases that can lead to serious complications. In this article we will talk about the causes of this disease, its symptoms and treatment methods.

Causes of hyperkinetic constipation

Hypoxenia The effect of carbon dioxide on the human body reduces the efficiency of inhalation

Hyperkinetic constipation is a condition of the intestines in which there is an increase in intestinal motility. This can lead to stool retention and poor consistency. Hyperkinetic constipation can occur for various reasons, such as poor diet, stress, lack of physical activity, taking certain medications, etc.

Symptoms of constipation may