Colpotomy (Colpotomy)

Colpotomy is a surgical procedure that involves making an incision in the vaginal wall (usually the posterior wall) close to the cervix (posterior colpotomy).

Previously, this operation was often used to confirm the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. However, it is now increasingly being replaced by laparoscopy as a less invasive method.

Colpotomy can also be performed during culdocentesis - puncture of the posterior vaginal vault to collect transudate from the space between the uterus and rectum. This procedure allows you to obtain material for analysis if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy or inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Thus, colpotomy is currently used quite rarely and mainly for diagnostic purposes for certain gynecological diseases. It is increasingly being replaced by less invasive methods such as laparoscopy.

Colpotomy is a surgical procedure that is performed on the vaginal wall, closer to the cervix, to achieve certain goals. This procedure is relatively simple and can be performed with surgical instruments during normal labor or cervical surgery. Despite the simplicity of the procedure, colpotomy can be quite painful and even lead to infection. It is important to note that colpotomy is usually performed only after prior consultation and on the recommendations of a doctor.

Colpotomy was first used to treat various diseases in women in 1886. More than 130 years earlier, colpotemia was used to treat