Radioactive Contamination Zone

Each of us is in the zone of radiation contamination: one way or another we are exposed to the danger of our existence. We live in a world of radiation and no one is immune from it. When talking about dangerous radiation, “radiation” most often comes to mind, while the concept of “radioactivity” is used much less frequently. Therefore, we generally have a vague idea of ​​what radioactivity is and we may be mistaken about many things related to it.

Yes, of course there is uranium - it is from the earth, from it this radiation-active lattice stretches in all directions from the Earth.

On the one hand, yes, radioactive elements can pollute nature, especially unstable ones like uranium. But let's tell the truth - uranium has been mined for about 150 years, almost all of the uranium deposits are known and almost all of them have been developed. Why during this time did natural disasters that could cause uranium disasters never happen? And in countries such as the USA, UAE, Brazil?

If we were talking about nuclear energy and the storage of radioactive waste, then one could assume possible disasters - but there is nothing of this. No one exploded, Chernobyl or Fukushima-1 did not happen.

Even in Chernobyl, within a week, uranium claimed 2 million lives from Europe alone. Can you imagine this figure? Who could allow this? But before that, they spent 30 years researching its properties, then came up with the concept of designing a nuclear power plant. And they still allowed it? Or is the whole secret of this technological negligence banal - and it practically exists in the USA - the engineers themselves, and therefore the managers working in the USA, earn more than just people who fled from the state. All these safety principles - what do they mean? You will spend a billion