
With constipation, the child squirms, cries, screams and even kicks his legs when constipation causes gas. You should give him half a teaspoon of fresh, unsalted cow butter or lubricate the nipple with castor oil before feeding. It is also good to give half a teaspoon of dill water or a weak infusion of chamomile several times a day, which reduces gas.

You can also give him an enema of half a glass of clean warm water or chamomile and then hold the anus with your finger so that the water does not spill out immediately. Tie the tummy warm.

Constipation in infants should be taken seriously, as it is often the cause of brain diseases.

It is necessary to distinguish between occasional constipation and chronic constipation.

Accidents are most often caused by a clogged stomach. If they are not accompanied by headache, belching, nausea, often fever and vomiting, then you need to cleanse the stomach with castor oil or Glauber's salt.

Castor oil (a tablespoon) is best taken in hot coffee or cold beer, and Glauber's salt - a tablespoon in a glass of warm water. In addition, it is good to give an enema of clean water. Occasional constipation also occurs due to severe swelling of hemorrhoidal cones at the anus.

Finally, it may also be due to volvulus or some kind of tumor in the intestines. In these cases, no laxatives or enemas can help; you should consult a doctor.

Chronic constipation most often develops due to a sedentary lifestyle or abuse of laxatives, which weakens the intestinal muscles.

In conclusion, constipation is a common problem that can be treated with proper diet, exercise and medications if necessary. It is important to understand the causes of constipation and act comprehensively to restore normal bowel function.