Зараванд - Аристолохия, Кирказон

Dioscorides says: Aristolochia can be long and round, and sometimes it looks like the shoots of a vine; This is also a type of round aristolochia, namely its female specimen. Its leaves are similar to the leaves of a plant called kissus, which is a type of bindweed. They have a pleasant, slightly pungent smell, they are slightly rounded and tender. Aristolochia has many long stems that all come from the same root, the inside of the flower is red, and the flower itself is smelly and shaped like a pointed cap.

As for the long aristolochia - and this is a male specimen - its leaves are longer than those of the round one, its branches are thin; each branch is a span long. Its flowers are purple, smelly, similar to pear flowers.

The root of the long aristolochia is a span or more long and a finger thick.

The “grape” variety of long aristolochia has thin branches, its leaves are similar to the leaves of the tenacious, and its flowers resemble those of rue. Its roots are extremely long, covered with thick bark, with a pleasant smell, which mosquitoes use when cooking oils.

All types of aristolochia are hot in the third degree, dry in the second.

Actions and properties.
Aristolochia cleanses, thins, opens blockages, thins and draws out spines and arrowheads. The long aristolochia is better for building up meat and for ulcers, as it is more cleansing and hotter; in all other actions the round one is stronger, because it opens and rarefies more. The power of a long aristolochia is similar to the power of a round one in terms of warming and, perhaps, even surpasses it in everything except rarefaction, since a round aristolochia is more rarefied. For this reason, it better soothes pain caused by winds. The third type is the weakest.

Aristolochia helps against bahak, cleans teeth and helps against the formation of dirt deposits on them, especially the round one; it also clears up the complexion.

Wounds and ulcers.
Aristolochia cleanses contaminated malignant ulcers, is used for desquamation and builds up meat, especially long meat. It prevents rotten and deep ulcers from turning malignant. If it is mixed with “orris root”, it fills the ulcers with meat.

Tools with joints.
Aristolochia helps against muscle rupture and is used as an ointment for gout, especially the round one. Sufferers drink it

gout and benefit from it. Aristolochia helps with chilliness like no other medicine. Organs of the head.

If you put it in the ear mixed with honey, it cleanses the ear of dirt, strengthens hearing and prevents the formation of pus in the ear. Used with pepper, it cleanses the brain of excess. It also helps against epilepsy and strengthens gums.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Aristolochia is good for asthma, especially the round one; it cleanses the chest and, when drunk with water, helps with pain in the side. For all these diseases, the round one has a stronger effect.

Nutritional organs.
Aristolochia is good for hiccups and is also good for the spleen if taken with sikanjubin. Sometimes it is mixed with vinegar and applied to the area of ​​the spleen, and this helps a lot. Round aristolochia has a stronger effect with all this.

Eruption organs.
If you take one Aristolochia darachmi, grind it and drink it, it removes mucous juices and bile and benefits the stomach.

If you drink long or round aristolochia with myrrh and pepper, it will cleanse the uterus of a woman in labor from discharge. Aristolochia drives menstruation and expels the fetus.

It helps against fevers with chills.

Aristolochia, especially the long one, helps against a scorpion sting. They say that if you drink two dirhams of long aristolochia in wine or apply a medicinal bandage from it, it will help against the bites of reptiles and will be useful against poisons.

Round aristolochia can be replaced with the same amount of zurunbad, one-third by weight of nutmeg and half by weight of the bush. The long one is replaced by an equal weight of zurunbad and half the weight of pepper. They say that the round one can be replaced with double the amount of the long one, and instead of the Rumian aristolochia, you can take the Chinese one.