Difficulty urinating and urinary constipation

This happens either from poor drinking, severe resorption or severe weakening, or due to the fact that the kidneys are not able to attract aqueous humor, or the liver is not able to separate moisture from the blood and send it to the bladder, as happens with a “digestion disorder.” Know that everything sour harms such patients, and intercourse aggravates their illness.

Difficulty urinating sometimes occurs due to a reason that lies in the bladder itself, for example, its weakness, and is a consequence of a bad nature, especially cold, as happens when the north winds often blow, or a consequence of a tumor and other diseases. Then the bladder cannot, when expelling urine, cover it all as it should and remove it by squeezing, as it happens naturally. Often the cause is external cold or heat, a blow to the bladder area, or frequent urinary retention. And sometimes this occurs from a cause rooted in the channel, that is, in the neck of the bladder and in the channel of the penis, or from a cause associated with the expelling force, or from a cause depending on the instrument, that is, the muscle of the bladder, from the organ sending urine , or from the urine itself.

The cause in the channel is either primary or occurs by complicity, and the primary cause is either a blockage in the bladder itself or a blockage by complicity. A blockage in the bladder itself can be caused by a hot or hard tumor, or by something thick: moisture, a blood clot, or pus - often the cause of the blockage is pus - as well as by a stone, opposing winds, warts, scar from ulcers, constriction from cold or constriction from intense heat, as occurs in burning fevers and debilitating diseases. Sometimes the retention occurs due to ulcers in the bladder, and sometimes due to a strong obstructive distension occurring in the bladder, as happens with retention or constipation of urine in those who retain urine too long, so that the bladder is stretched and the channel is closed. This delay occurs at night due to sleep and during the day due to being busy.

Retention of urine due to obstructions due to complicity occurs, for example, from hot or hard tumors in the intestines, in the uterus and near the navel, as well as from dry feces or copious bursting mucus, or from opposing or bursting winds, as well as from the beginning of a tumor in the rectum. Sometimes the cause is zahir, excision of the kidney, pain from the kidney, or painful fissures of the anus. Either a tumor or volvulus forms near the lower part of the spine, or the testicle rises to the walls of the abdomen, puts pressure on the canal, pulls it upward, compresses it and makes it difficult for urine to escape, which comes out little by little and causes pain. The cause of difficulty urinating and blocking urine is sometimes also pain from ulcers in the canal - without blockage or swelling. Whenever the patient wants to urinate, it causes pain, and the person urinating does not compress the bladder with the abdominal muscles in order to avoid suffering, especially if there is weakness, spasms, etc. in the muscles. When the patient forces himself to tense his muscles, he emits urine as usual in quantity and quality, and the pain calms down. The same thing happens if the patient is forced to urinate. Sometimes such a patient, along with difficulty urinating, also suffers from urinating drops, as if when the urine comes out little by little, it is easier and more bearable.

As for the causes associated with force, it is either a sensing force, or a driving force, or a natural force. If the cause is a sensational force, then the sensitivity of the bladder or its muscle is damaged, and it does not prompt the expelling force to forcefully expel or to expel at all. Or the damage affects the initial organs, as happens with faranitus and lithargus, when memory loss and weakening of sensitivity occurs. And if the reason is related to the driving force, then the muscle cannot relax and move, moving from compression to stretching and releasing compression. In this case, the abdominal muscles do not obey the driving force and do not squeeze out the contents of the bladder due to weak strength, or a state of stretching, etc. When the reason lies in natural force, then the expelling force, for example, weakens either due to a disorder of discordant nature - hot, which happens less often, or cold, which happens more often - or because of a disorder of nature with matter, for example, hot with pungent urine , or cold with relaxing or bursting juices. The cause of this weakness is sometimes the opposition of the natural will of the person, which retains urine, due to which the expelling force weakens.

And the cause caused by the muscle is either an injury associated with nature, or a tumor, or damage of a nervous origin, for example, spasms, relaxation or loss of the ability to move due to a blow or fall, as well as other circumstances associated with both the muscle itself and with its origins - branches of nerves, spinal cord or brain. Causes depending on the organ sending urine are the presence of a hot or hard tumor or stone in the kidneys, weakening of the force attracting juices from above or weakening of the force pushing downwards; or the liver becomes unable to separate aqueous humor and send it away due to the phenomena associated with dropsy. You can consider this type of disease with its subtypes as a separate section or include it in the paragraph on scanty urine.

For reasons that depend on the urine itself, difficulty occurs when the urine is sharp and causes excruciating pain; this has been tested many times. They say that if someone has difficulty urinating and is then struck by zahir, he will die on the seventh day, unless he develops a fever and the doctor uses strong diuretics. Know that sometimes, after the burning sensation during urination has stopped, dryness occurs in the glands through which urine passes, and this leads to thickening and constipation of the urine. Therefore, you should use moisturizer to prevent something like this from happening.

Signs. As for the signs of urine retention due to coldness of nature, these are: white urine with a thick or liquid composition, preceding retention, an increased need to urinate, the desire to frequently bathe in a bathhouse, a feeling of cold and the absence of other signs. If the cause is warmth, then the sign is a feeling of sharpness of urine and burning. If the disease is associated with constriction due to cold, this is indicated by the beneficial effect of relaxation, and if it is caused by exhaustion or burning fever, this is indicated by the beneficial effect of moisture; One of the signs here is also that a small amount of urine cannot come out, but a large amount comes out more easily, because it wets the canal with its moisture and expands it. As for the signs of detention due to a tumor or abscess in the bladder or in neighboring organs, you have already learned about them from the previous one and will find a separate paragraph for each case. Then, the distinguishing features between difficulty urinating due to a tumor and retention arising from other causes include the fact that tumor retention develops little by little, not immediately, unless the case is very severe.

You already know what the signs of retention are due to blockages in the bladder itself due to its disease, or when something presses on the bladder, causing it to stretch, swell and strain; if the disease is due to a cause related to the sending organ, then there is no tension or swelling in the bladder. All types of blockages that occur in the bladder due to the bladder itself or due to something pressing are accompanied by pain. An obstructing tumor is recognized by the signs that you already know, and a substance that obstructs without a tumor is recognized by the urinary tube by the blood or juices that it draws, as well as by the obstacle at which it stops and which prevents it from passing - the wart, stone or adhesive; You recognize a stone by its inherent characteristics or by the fact that the urinary tube touches something very hard. Blood and juices are sometimes also recognized by previous urination, and the presence of blood itself is often determined by signs of blood solidification in the bladder, that is, yellowness of the complexion, low breathing and pulse rate, cold sweat, fever with chills, nausea. It is a malignant disease that is rarely cured. Thick juices can sometimes be recognized by the perceived heaviness if their quantity is significant and if raw mucus comes out in the urine. When retention occurs due to compressive cold or cold causing hardening, an indication of this is the accompanying and antecedent causes.

Signs of confinement caused by winds are distension without a feeling of heaviness; sometimes the winds move, and sometimes they are locked in the bladder. The sign of the disease due to weak sensitivity is that the patient does not feel the burning of the urine, and the sign of retention caused by weakness of the expelling force is that pressure brings out the urine with ease. A sign of muscle relaxation is a weak flow of urine that does not come out in spurts, and a feeling that something inside does not respond to compression; pressure in this case also removes urine. A sign of muscle spasm: a small amount of urine that comes out in spurts. If the disease arose due to kidney weakness, this is indicated by the signs that have already been mentioned above, as well as with stones and tumors in the kidneys. In general, if heaviness and pain are felt in the area of ​​the kidneys, then it means that the disease is nesting there, and if there are signs of a tumor, it means that a tumor has formed there. If a very heavy heaviness is felt, it means that there is blocked urine there, and if the heaviness is less, this indicates obstructive moisture - with or without swelling. If you feel not heaviness, but bursting pain, it means there are winds in the kidneys. If the abdomen is soft and there are no signs of blockage in the kidneys or bladder, or weakness of the bladder, or other ailments, then the cause is the weak attraction of aqueous humor by the kidneys. The fact that the disease arose due to a weak attraction of moisture by the kidneys or a weakening of the expelling force of the liver is indicated by signs of dropsy. When retention is caused by pain from an ulcer or the sharpness of urine, this manifests itself in the fact that if the pain is endured, the urine comes out and the pain calms down, just as when forced. If urine retention is of ulcerative origin, there are signs of an ulcer. Signs of retention due to drying out of moisture in the glandular organs consist in the presence before this disease of the already mentioned causes of drying out and in the fact that when moistened, urine flows profusely.

Treatment of both diseases. When the cause is pus or juice, it is necessary to treat with strong opening and diuretics, which you know, unless there is fear that the patient's situation is worse than that for which diuretics help. In this case, when they are consumed, new matter descends into the bladder, the pain and distension of the bladder intensifies, and nothing is released. In this case, radish juice has a strong effect, so it should be used as a seasoning, just like a decoction of black chickpeas. As for diuretics, these are, for example, celery, wild carrot seeds, usshak, wild dill root, valerian, amom, bush, tortuous gill, calamus, dill and its seeds; All this is drunk in boiled radish juice or in a decoction of black chickpeas, tribulus juice and squeezed juice of celery and fennel, especially wild ones. Sikanjubin from sea onions also helps a lot with this; Teryak, mithridate, turmeric medicine, amrusiya and King Qubad’s medicine are very useful. Children are given these medicines in their mothers' milk or given to their nurses.

Description of a strong diuretic. They take juniper berries, hoofed grass, amoma, azhgon, celery seeds, mountain parsley, madder, bitter almonds and sumbul - twenty dirhams each, melon seeds - ten dirhams, bodies of Spanish flies with cut off heads and wings - one dirham. Then ushshak is diluted in wine boiled down to a third and nuts are prepared from all this; They drink up to three dirhams at a time. The medicine made from juniper berries and ferula stinking gum, mentioned in the paragraph on the solidification of blood in the bladder, which is consumed as a drink or injection, also helps. Sometimes medicines are made in which beaver stream, furbiyun, ginger, long pepper and balsam oil are placed; Opium and henbane seeds are often added there because of pain: you will find these medicines in the Pharmacopoeia.

All stone medicines are useful against this disease in most of its varieties, due to heat or cold, provided there are no tumors or ulcers; These are medicines such as scorpion ash, sponge stone, glass ash. One of the medicines said to have special healing properties is dried weasel bladder, three dirhams of which are drunk in fragrant wine. Burnt crayfish in the amount of two dirhams with wine also helps, especially for children. We have already mentioned other medicines when talking about the treatment of diseases resulting from coldness of the bladder, and you should also read about them in the appropriate place.

As for urine retention due to a blood clot frozen in the bladder, it is treated with the same remedies that were mentioned in the paragraph on blood clots freezing in the bladder. These medicines are sometimes used to make dressings with radish juice, and sometimes they are smeared with teriyaki, mithridate, amrusiya, turmeric medicine and King Qubad's medicine. Sometimes there is a need for strong waterings, which are prepared from such products as harmala and gorse with blue feces, as well as from bavrak, saliva and mustard.

A good proven dressing: take laurel drupes, dill, amom, melilot, black chickpea flour and officinalis chamomile - ten dirhams each, wild carrots, radish seeds, garden and mountain parsley seeds - seven dirhams each, and prepare a dressing from this balsam oil, or iris oil, mixed with Armenian cabbage juice.

Description of a good patch. Take equal parts of sikanjubin, bdellium, opopanax and calamus and prepare a plaster with duck fat, yellow wax and iris oil. Among the injections, injections of galbanum, maya, opopanax and pepper are used; Sometimes ferula gum is added to it.

If the cause of difficulty urinating is a stone, then treat the stone, wherever it is located. And if the cause of this is a wart, a growth of meat or an adhesive, then the means of treatment are relaxing tissue baths and relaxing oils, already known from the paragraphs about stones in the bladder, as well as abstinence from everything sour; sometimes it has an effect and sometimes it doesn't. If the cause is a tumor, then the tumor is treated by loosening it and softening it. They also use diaphoretics in a water bath and emollients in the form of bandages, injections or suppositories inserted into the rectum. In this case, you should drink less water, avoid diuretics, and prohibit the patient from eating for at least two days. If the tumor is soft, urine sometimes comes out with pressure and compression of the bladder after increased loosening and softening. A decoction of cabbage, marshmallow, onion and leek helps a lot in this case if you make a bandage from them. Bloodletting is one of the most necessary preliminary measures, first from the basilica, then from the jugular vein; sometimes urine starts flowing afterwards. If the cause is cold or compression, then they are treated as they are treated for a cold nature disorder, and if it is warmth, then they are treated with balanced and cold oils with softening and loosening properties, for example, violet oil and pumpkin oil, diluted with dill and chamomile oil; when there is also dryness, loosening baths and oils, moisturizing foods, a convalescent regime and bathing are prescribed.

If difficulty urinating is caused by paralysis, then it is treated in the same way as paralysis is treated; if the cause is muscle spasm, use the same remedies as for spasms, mentioned in its place. And when such a cause is a cold nature, then they are treated with hot oils and hot medicinal porridges, which you already know about. Among the remedies that help against this, as well as against paralysis, is the following: take half a dirham of wild pigeon feces, drink it with children’s urine, and it drives the urine away; or take a bowl of mouse feces and take it with a decoction of dill. Sometimes it is injected with mumiyo, or a dirham of dried hawk stomach with the same amount of Indian salt and hot water. It is useful to drink spikenard oil with hot water or two danakas of ferula stinking gum with donkey milk. These remedies also help with difficulty urinating due to thick juice.

Retention of urine due to heat is treated with cold seeds and lettuce seeds with diluted wine and sour pomegranate juice. If the disease occurred due to a fall or blow, which caused a tumor, or did not cause a tumor, but something was displaced, then the method of treatment is as follows: first of all, bloodletting and moderate relaxants and baths, as well as trying to get the patient to urinate. And when he emits urine with a large amount of blood, stop it with amber cakes with walnut gum. If you are afraid of creating a blood clot, then treat as you would for frozen blood clots, and if the clot has caused a blockage, treat for blockage from blood clots, as you have already been told about this. When winds are the cause, they are treated in the same way as winds in the bladder are treated, but if the cause is pain that prevents urination, they are treated by injecting drugs that cause numbness, then they try to release the urine, and after that, treatment measures for ulcers or measures are applied , aimed at balancing the pungency of urine with the help of the foods and vegetables mentioned above and by injecting adhesives that form a barrier between the pungency of urine and the sensitive surface of the canal.

In case of difficulty urinating due to weak sensitivity, treat either the initial organ, if the disease comes from this organ, or use the muscle and bladder itself with medicines with the properties of badzahr: teryak, mithridate, rubbing and injections suitable for pneuma, for example, jasmine oil , narcissus, iris, saffron oil and, especially, balsam oil. They also use dressings from the leaves of fruit trees and vegetables that correspond to the spiritual pneuma, such as the leaves of apple trees, peppermint and rue; to these leaves are added highly stimulants, such as harmala seeds and mountain rue seeds, and then made into bandages for the pubis. If the difficulty in urination has arisen due to the weakness of the expelling force, then they pay attention to the prevailing nature and the debilitating disease, which you already know, and treat it. In most cases this is due to cold, and is treated with substances with warming and astringent properties, especially those we mentioned when talking about weakening the sensitivity of the bladder.

When the cause of the disease is prolonged retention of urine, then they are also treated with relaxing and softening baths prepared from a decoction of flaxseed, fenugreek seeds, safflower and clover, as well as bandages prepared from these medicines; then strong diuretics and a catheter are used. The oil of balsam and its “sisters” brings enormous benefits here. As for retention due to a reason hidden in the kidneys, liver, intestines or back, treatment should be directed to these organs, and if the treatment helps, it will also help against urine retention. If this does not help, then the use of relaxing agents is inevitable: baths, bandages and injections, as well as the use of diuretics, if there is no fear that they will reduce a lot of matter. Know that milk is the best thing for such patients when there is no fever. Whenever nuts from medicinal seeds are suitable, and when there is no fever, it is good to give them to drink with milk.