Zdravushka-Milk Thistle Powder

Country of origin - Russia
Pharm-Group - Plants used for liver diseases

Manufacturers - Pharmacological Association named after. Pasteur (Russia)
International name: Milk thistle
Synonyms - Zhivitel, Fatty oil "Milk thistle", Zdravushka milk thistle capsules, Zdravushka milk thistle oil, Zdravushka milk thistle syrup, Zdravushka milk thistle tablets, Zdravushka milk thistle herbal tea, Milk thistle, Milk thistle-Parapharm, Milk thistle oil, Milk thistle
Composition - Fatty oil, essential oil, chromones, resins, mucus, biogenic amines, flavonolol lignans.

Indications for use - For diseases of the liver, bile ducts, spleen, cholelithiasis, hemorrhoids, colitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs.

Contraindications - Hypersensitivity.
Side effect - No information.
Interaction - No information.
Overdose - No information.
Special instructions - No information.


  1. Biologically active food additives, T.L. Pilat, A.A. Ivanov, Moscow, 2002.
  2. Federal Register of Biologically Active Food Additives, ed. 3, Moscow, 2002