Mirror Letter

Introduction * “Mirror writing” in the form of writing words from right to left and with the direction of the text reversed from that previously written refers to one of the rare manifestations of agraphia observed in patients in a state of intoxication. With such a letter, a person cannot correctly evaluate his own actions. In addition to all these disorders, patients can also be upset not only by the beginning of writing, but also by a delay in its flow. To start a letter, sometimes you need to show the text again. At the same time, attempts to write while sitting or lying down remain completely ineffective. Although some restoration of voluntary writing functions occurs during sleep or remission of chronic alcoholism. However, this type of writing disorder is more common in women, although isolated cases have been described in childhood, when agraphia is predominantly observed in men.

Description of mirror writing - The above phenomenon occurs with unilateral damage to the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex. Thus, the patient begins to compensate for the resulting inhibition of thinking or its other manifestations by

Writing from right to left is an interesting and rare phenomenon that requires special attention and analysis of the origins of its appearance. This phenomenon is also called mirror spelling. It is typical for many texts in Cyrillic left in modern times. The first recorded case of writing with a SLR dates back to the distant 13th century - a document of that time in the metropolis is considered to be the Letter of Dmitry Donskoy and Mityai to Moscow Prince Vladimir in 1289. The scribes of that time may well not have