Meibomian Glands, Tarsal Glands

Meibomian Glands and Tarsal Glands are small branched sebaceous glands located deep in the cartilage of the eyelids.

The Meibomian glands are located in the upper and lower eyelids. They secrete a lipid secretion that makes up the lipid layer of the tear film. This layer prevents excessive evaporation of the aqueous part of the tear fluid.

The tarsal glands are located along the edge of the eyelids. They produce a lubricating secretion that prevents eye irritation when blinking.

Disturbances in the functioning of these glands can lead to dry eyes, irritation, and blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids). Therefore, it is important to maintain normal function of the Meibomian and Tarsal glands for eye comfort and health.

The meibomian glands and tarsal glands are important components of our eye secretion and protection system. These glands are located deep in the cartilage of the eyelids and are responsible for secreting an oily fluid that protects the eyes from drying out and irritation.

The meibomian glands are small, branched sebaceous glands. They are located on the inner surface of the eyelid and play an important role in secreting an oily fluid to protect the eyes from drying out. This liquid contains lipids and proteins that protect the eyes from drying out and irritation. In addition, the meibomian glands are also involved in the formation of the tear film, which protects the cornea of ​​the eye from damage and infection.

While the meibomian glands are located on the inside of the eyelid, the tarsal glands are on the outside. They also secrete an oily fluid that protects the eye from drying out and helps keep the cornea moist. In addition, these glands are also involved in maintaining normal pH levels in the tear film and protecting the eye from infections.

Both types of glands play an important role in protecting the eyes, and their dysfunction can lead to various diseases such as dry eye syndrome or blepharitis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the health of these glands and maintain their normal function. To do this, you can use special eye care products, such as drops to moisturize the eyes and gels to lubricate the eyelids, as well as monitor eye hygiene and avoid getting dust and dirt into them.

Meibomian glands and tarsal glands are two types of sebaceous glands located in the body of the cartilage of the eyelids. They play an important role in maintaining eye health and well-being.

Meiboy glands - exposed glands - are located on the outer side of the cartilaginous plate of the eyelid covering the eyeball, and consist of depressions and channels through which their work provides hydration to the internal structures of the eye. These glands secrete fatty