Vitelline Duct

The yolk duct (ductus vitellinus) is a channel that connects the yolk sac to the intestine in the embryo. It plays an important role in the development of the body, since it transports the yolk necessary to nourish the cells.

The yolk sac is an organ that is formed during the development of the embryo and contains the yolk necessary to nourish the cells during their growth. The yolk passes from the yolk sac through the vitelline duct into the intestine, where it is broken down and absorbed by the cells.

During development, the yolk sac and vitelline duct may be susceptible to various pathologies, such as obstruction of the vitelline duct or its blockage. This can lead to stunted growth, weight loss, and other health problems.

To prevent pathologies of the vitelline duct, it is recommended to monitor the mother’s diet during pregnancy, as well as undergo timely medical examinations.

The vitelline duct is a narrow channel that connects the gallbladder and the stomach. It plays an important role in the digestion process and ensures the transport of bile from the gallbladder to the stomach.

The vitelline duct begins at the bottom of the gallbladder, where the gallbladder is located. It then passes through the stomach and opens into the duodenum. The bile duct plays a key role in digestion by transporting bile, which contains enzymes and other substances needed to break down food.

The bile duct also contains cells that produce bile. The bile ducts are also involved in metabolism and facilitate the absorption of nutrients.

However, the vitelline duct can cause health problems if it is blocked or blocked. This can lead to indigestion and other problems. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the vitelline duct and consult a doctor if necessary.