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Feces vary depending on the different species of animals, and sometimes even depending on individuals of the same species; This applies especially to people. Duck feces, for example, are not consumed due to its excessive heat. The feces of falcons, gyrfalcons, falcons and other birds of prey are rarely consumed, as they are very hot.

No stool is cooling or moisturizing. Pigeon poop is the hottest type of poop consumed. The feces of domestic animals are inferior to the feces of animals that find food in the wild.

Actions and properties.
The feces of goats, especially mountain goats, are used for any bleeding; Donkey feces, burnt and unburnt, are also applied for any bleeding. Pigeon feces is one of the remedies that cause redness, and when mixed with barley flour, it dissolves the juices. Burnt goat feces become thinner, but do not become hotter.

Sheep feces and vinegar are applied to “ant”, “nail-like” and “mulberry” warts. Locust feces are used for freckles and bahak; The feces of rice-fed starlings, stellion lizards and monitor lizards improve complexion. Burnt feces of goats, especially mountain goats, are used for “fox” disease, as well as mouse feces, which is most useful. Pigeon feces is one of the medicines that improves complexion. Uromastyx lizard feces reduce freckles; it's been tested.

Tumors and acne.
Dry cow feces are applied along with vinegar to hot boils and this calms them down. Goat and sheep feces with vinegar, wax and rose oil are applied to fire burns. Pigeon feces with honey and flaxseed are applied to scabs from the “Persian fire” and to fire burns.

Goat feces are used for peeling skin; Pigeon feces and bustard feces help against ringworm, as does starling feces fed on rice.

Wounds and ulcers.
Dog feces with honey applied to bones are useful for old ulcers.

Tools with joints.
A medicinal bandage is applied from cow feces for inflammation of the sciatic nerve; feces of goats, especially mountain goats, with pork fat are applied for gout and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Dried pork feces with vinegar are drunk for muscle weakness, and it is applied with wax ointment to “contract the nerves” and for any hardening. Pigeon feces are used for joint pain. Goat feces, especially with diluted vinegar, are one of the proven remedies for hardening and swelling of the joints; this is one of Galen's experiments. It also works with barley flour, and is better suited for those whose meat is harder and tougher.

Organs of the head.
Liquid donkey feces are given to sniff in case of severe nosebleeds, or the liquid is squeezed out of it and injected into the nose and it stops the bleeding. Donkey feces help with safa. Galen says: “I use the feces of field pigeons with the seeds of the indau seed for a headache called “helmet.” Dry cow feces are applied to tumors that form behind the ears.

Organs of the eye.
The feces of monitor lizards, uromastyx lizards and crocodile are used for cataracts, as well as the feces of pigeons and sparrows; The swallow's feces are surprisingly good in this case; I tested it myself mixed with honey. Mouse feces have been tested for corneal ulcers and clear away pus that accumulates under the cornea.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Pig feces with water and wine helps against hemoptysis and pain in the side. The feces of bone-fed dogs are used to lubricate the palate for sore throats, just like the feces of children; this sometimes even eliminates the need for bloodletting. In this case, you should feed the child bread with lupine to reduce the stench of feces. Dry cow feces is one of the means for fumigating the lungs for consumption and similar diseases.

Nutritional organs.
The feces of goats, especially mountain goats, with some spices are drunk for jaundice; This is a proven remedy. In the form of a medicinal bandage and in drinking, it also helps with dropsy, and the application of the medicinal bandage or rubbing of feces should take place in the sun.

Eruption organs.
Bull feces are fumigated for uterine prolapse. The feces of goats, especially mountain goats, are drunk with some spices, and it drives menstruation, causes miscarriage and resolves hardening in the spleen; dry feces are ground and inserted into the vagina for bleeding from the uterus, it especially helps when mixed with incense; This is a proven remedy.

Chicken feces are used for kulanj, and wolf feces are also used for kulanj, which does not come from a tumor; Feces are given to drink either in water, or boiled, or in a decoction of spices. Especially useful is wolf feces, which is removed from thorns or from plants protruding from the ground, white and with bones. Sometimes it is even hung in wolf skin or in a twisted piece of wool from a sheep that escaped from a wolf, or in the skin of a deer, or done as Galen did , who put such feces in a silver vessel. It should be hung on its side, and this will help against kulanj.

If you drink wolf feces and use it at a time when the pain subsides, it will either eliminate them completely, as Galen testifies, or soften them to some extent, giving relief.

Fumigation with vulture feces causes miscarriage. Mouse feces with incense, drunk in wine, crushes kidney stones; it is also injected into the rectum and it loosens the stomach in children.

Pigeon feces, if consumed as an enema, helps relieve pain during kulanj.

The feces of dogs fed on bones, when given as an enema or as a drink with milk boiled with iron or with pebbles, helps against diarrhea and ulcers in the intestines.

Inserting elephant feces into the vagina is said to prevent pregnancy.

The feces of goats, and especially mountain ones, boiled in vinegar and wine, are used against reptile bites; according to Galen, it even sometimes helps against the bite of vipers. Dry kulan feces in wine are very good for scorpion stings. Chicken feces serve as a teriyak against poisonous mushrooms; This is a proven remedy. It also promotes expectoration of viscous, thick juice.

Goat feces have extractive powers that can draw out hornet venom. Dry bovine feces, if fumigated with it, are especially good at driving away midges.