A snake that makes the bitten thirsty

They say that the length of a snake that causes thirst is one span. She has many black spots on her body, her head is small, her neck is thick, her body starts from a thick neck and ends with a thin tail. Some say that most of these snakes are found in the lands of Libya and Syria, in appearance it resembles a viper, the color of the back part up to the tail is blackish and it crawls with its tail raised up. Some claim that it is found on the coasts, and they say that the one who is stung by it has a burning and flaming stomach, and he cannot drink enough water and drinks all the time without something coming out in urine or perspiration. Finally, his whole body swells, and water runs through all his vessels.

After applying general methods of treatment, and those stung are forced to drink a lot of oil and given an enema of substances that expel solid excesses and liquids and attract water downward, they should be given diuretics, for example, a decoction of celery, Indian sumbul, Chinese cinnamon, hoofed grass, gill, mountain parsley and similar plants, and make medicinal dressings on the outside with salt, noura and olive oil, as well as dressings for those bitten by a rabid dog, which we will discuss below.