Goiter Adenomatous


Adenomatosis is the proliferation of glandular tissue, consisting of gland and stroma (fatty and fibrous tissue). In this case, we may be talking about a lesion of the thyroid gland called “adenomatous goiter” or simply “adenomas”. Among all thyroid tumors, this is the most common; it affects women twice as often as men. Moreover, more than 90% of registered cases of adenomatous goiter in Russia occur in the age category from 50 to 70 years. This tumor can be aggressive (which happens very rarely) and benign (diagnosed in approximately 97% of cases); in the latter case, you only need regular monitoring once a year by an endocrinologist. The disease goes undetected for a long time, since changes in its structure do not occur for quite a long time - for decades. In addition, adenomatous goiter is also characterized by the fact that different forms of its development are observed in different parts of the body. Perhaps many have noticed the so-called peas, characteristic of this particular tumor. These are follicles or small pearls that protrude from the surface of the tumor. By the way, their presence does not depend on what type of adenoma there is. It can be nodular (its diameter can be up to four centimeters) and diffuse (it is much less common). The diffuse version of education is more typical for people over 55 years of age. Also, adenomatous tumors are mixed or cystic in nature. Cystic manifestations are characterized by the presence of cavities filled with fluid. Most often they occur in nodular adenomas. Makes diagnosis somewhat difficult