Goiter Lymphomatous

**Goiter Lymphatoma**, or stroma lymphomatous, is a rare disease in which malignant tumors form in the thyroid gland. This disease most often occurs in middle-aged people, and is usually discovered during a random examination or routine medical examination. This disease is treated by doctors specializing in oncology, surgery and thyroidology. Based on their histological characteristics, cancers in the thyroid gland can be divided into two large groups - diffuse goiter and papillary cancer. Both neoplasms are malignant and can lead to the development of serious complications that threaten the patient’s life.

The main symptom of an endocrine tumor is a change in the mass of the gland, and the first symptoms appear only when the thyroid gland begins to grow according to the phytome principle. This is the name of a tumor with a lumpy surface and a heterogeneous structure covered with epithelium. The reason is that papillomas, fibroids and other benign formations of the gland during this period grow chaotically, without taking the clear shape of one organ. Against this background, they often merge into a single conglomerate, which is difficult to detect and differentiate. Gradually, lymphomonocytic goiter progresses, the symptoms of the pathology increase, the tumor grows in breadth and penetrates