Goiter Retrotracheal

**Retrotracheal goiter** is a pathological formation in the area of ​​the posterior wall of the chest or larynx. Most often it occurs as a result of the gradual proliferation of lymphoid tissue, less often as a result of malignant diseases. The disease can affect men and women of any age, but is more common in older patients. Treatment depends on the cause of the disease and is selected individually; surgical methods are most often used.

**Etiology of the disease** The concept of retrotracheal goiter combines several different pathologies, differentiated based on the cause of development and symptoms. When they talk about different types of disease, the doctor means that its diagnosis must be carried out carefully, thoroughly, since it requires doctors not only to have special knowledge, but also to have an individual approach.

The following symptoms indicate pathology: - difficulty swallowing and breathing; - wheezing and coughing when exhaling; - dizziness; - weakness; - temperature - regular asthma attacks.