Loozer Restructuring Zone

Restructuring zone Loozerasmyslenie.

As is known, the Perestroika Zone arose as a result of unsuccessful reforms carried out by the CPSU in the second half of 1982. One of the main goals of these reforms was to accelerate scientific and technological progress. However, they did not bring the expected results and led to such consequences as a decrease in the standard of living of the population, an increase in social tension, etc.

In 1990, the USSR collapsed into independent states, which began to pursue policies along an independent path of development, including Russian regions. In this regard, many new problems have arisen, both economic and social. The Looz restructuring zone became one of them.

Development of the zone Loozersky part of Enlightenment - it was Sergei Yakimov’s idea to “include” the entire Loozersky zone into the tourism industry, moreover, within the country. Schematically, it looked like this: first, turn tourists into independence in the route (they just go to the hotel), then - to control only the accommodation facilities, and finally, manage tourists through the accommodation facilities. If this is successful, then the tourist goes on the routes with a 10% discount (by the way, the average price in a tent per night is about 2 thousand rubles, and with a discount of 200 rubles per day). And finally, when a tourist goes on a route with a 50% discount, the real tourism industry begins to unfold here. In this case, you need to go in the direction that it was: if we had the sun, then there must be sun there. And don’t believe the advertising: “Why are you still thinking about another place, let us show you another - in Vologda...”. Each region has its own hospitality, so it cannot be neglected. You need to show your guest that you know what’s going on in the region. If this is done consistently, there may be a need to create a tourism industry because it can be shaped around a person with a small budget, the tourist. And not all tourists come, but those who come then teach everyone. But, the main problem in tourism economics is that it must be balanced. For example, if we are traveling through Belarus, or through Ukraine, we must make sure that we are not going to Poland or Georgia, where they will “let us go around the world.” We are returning from there like two orphans. You can’t do this, it’s called politics. It is much more important to work with local residents and create conditions for joint co-development for all territories, and not for a small group. There is no need to allow any kind of manipulation. To do this, each person needs to understand their value and participate in the life of the community and